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q tranza banda, pues q creen??? q es cierto!! Maxx C pa la banda!! jajaja, ya es ofical, cheken:

Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo Collectible Tin [7]
Release Date: October 30, 2012
1 Photon Shockwave Booster Pack
2 Order of Chaos Booster Pack
2 Galactic Overlord Booster Pack
CT09-EN004 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo (Secret Rare)
CT09-EN0?? Rescue Rabbit (Super Rare)
CT09-EN0?? Number 16: Shock Master (Super Rare)
CT09-EN0?? (Maxx "C") (Super Rare)
CT09-EN0?? (Super Rare)
Vean lo q tope carnales:

Contiene todas las cartas GOLD que han salido desde el 2008 a la fecha, que les paece?......aunq hasta ahora solo anunciada para OCG

Y aqui es donde la tope:


Jaja, Simón, es como los conejos, igual y no los habíamos considerado pero pues no esta de mas tener unos cuantos, no??
Cierto carnal,hay q guardar dos por si un dia dan ganas de usar en Deck con esos conejos/Maxx "C"
Vean lo q tope carnales:

Contiene todas las cartas GOLD que han salido desde el 2008 a la fecha, que les paece?......aunq hasta ahora solo anunciada para OCG

Y aqui es donde la tope:


Cierto carnal,hay q guardar dos por si un dia dan ganas de usar en Deck con esos conejos/Maxx "C"
yeaaa!!!! asi mas chance de sacar el black luster hehehe minimo aver si baja de precio
lastima que no este por aka por el momento
una duda que comprarian las latas de collector tin 2 donde sale excalibur y dolkka o una caja de 3D sonde salen los malefec es que no se estoy indesiso me lateria los pack que bienen pero pues los malefic con los civer end dragon malefics ya la armaste no se ustedes que arian?por el precio es casi lo mismo yo encontre las latas en efectivo en 450 y en tarjeta en 500 y la caja en 550 en efectivo
yeaaa!!!! asi mas chance de sacar el black luster hehehe minimo aver si baja de precio
lastima que no este por aka por el momento
una duda que comprarian las latas de collector tin 2 donde sale excalibur y dolkka o una caja de 3D sonde salen los malefec es que no se estoy indesiso me lateria los pack que bienen pero pues los malefic con los civer end dragon malefics ya la armaste no se ustedes que arian?por el precio es casi lo mismo yo encontre las latas en efectivo en 450 y en tarjeta en 500 y la caja en 550 en efectivo
ammmmm por lo q entendi kieres armar un deck de los malefics, no?? ammm, pues yo en lo personal no te recomiendo q te compres la caja entera del 3D, ya q el set de esa mini expansion es muy limitada y al final vas a tener un monton de cartas repetidas.... mejor consiguelas por fuera.... yo creo q la mas cara q vas a conseguir es el malefic raiwnbow... pero pues de 40 no pasa, jaja, y pues ese billete mejor inviertelo en las latas aun q..... q buscas de las latas?? los zenmaines??? por q pues tmb ya bajaron un buen, los encuentras como en 80.... y como kiera q sea los sobres pues casi nunka sale nada bueno.... y ahora si vas a armar tu deck de los malefics como tu dices, jala bn chido el malefic ciber end...... ya q llega casi de a gratis.... entonces vas a necesitar 3 ciber end dragon en tu extra deck.... mejor con ese varo compra todo tu extradeck, q yo te sugiero q lo armes con 3 ciber end y 2 stardust para su respectivo malefic y q no te truenen el campo, por q ellos sin campo valen para pura papa..... y aparte ten en cuenta q en las siguientes latas ya viene el truth dragon q con sus 5000 d atake no esta nada mal.... bueno, es mi punto de vista..... saludos men
Estoy de acuerdo,no compres toda la caja solo el set de malefics,lo mas caro q he visto fue al Malefic Stardust....cuando solo habia secreto,ahora el mas caro es el Cyber End q ayer lo vi en 50,tambien estoy de acuerdo,guardate esa lana pa las tins o la LC3,o en su defecto si usas a los malefic,usa Skill Drain,yo asi le hago jeje,aunq solo son tributo para los virus la mayoria de las veces...

y q tal jala viejo?? crees poder rolar la decklist para ver mas o menos como lo manejas??? saludos viejo ;)
No me he olvidado de esto,solo q no habia tenido chance de rolarlo pa aca,pero tuve un rato asi q ahi ta,si quieres dale una calada =)

Basicamente es usar los effs de Warm Worm,Needle Worm,Necro Face para botar cartas,aprovechar los counters creados en Chaoz Zone al estar Macro Cosmos/Dimensional Fissure,remover counters reinvocar a los Warm y Necro Face,reventarlos con el eff del Scrap/Archfiend seguir haciendo q los D.D vayan,regresen y crear mas counter para continuar el ciclo,el campo Fortune Lady es parte relleno pero sirve al remover a lo q le hagan normal summon,y no afecta a los DD,es mas fun q nada pero me ha funcionado bien =)

ammmmm por lo q entendi kieres armar un deck de los malefics, no?? ammm, pues yo en lo personal no te recomiendo q te compres la caja entera del 3D, ya q el set de esa mini expansion es muy limitada y al final vas a tener un monton de cartas repetidas.... mejor consiguelas por fuera.... yo creo q la mas cara q vas a conseguir es el malefic raiwnbow... pero pues de 40 no pasa, jaja, y pues ese billete mejor inviertelo en las latas aun q..... q buscas de las latas?? los zenmaines??? por q pues tmb ya bajaron un buen, los encuentras como en 80.... y como kiera q sea los sobres pues casi nunka sale nada bueno.... y ahora si vas a armar tu deck de los malefics como tu dices, jala bn chido el malefic ciber end...... ya q llega casi de a gratis.... entonces vas a necesitar 3 ciber end dragon en tu extra deck.... mejor con ese varo compra todo tu extradeck, q yo te sugiero q lo armes con 3 ciber end y 2 stardust para su respectivo malefic y q no te truenen el campo, por q ellos sin campo valen para pura papa..... y aparte ten en cuenta q en las siguientes latas ya viene el truth dragon q con sus 5000 d atake no esta nada mal.... bueno, es mi punto de vista..... saludos men
la verdad tienen razon por lo cual no compre nada y mejor compre nada solo dos picion dimensional en 50 cada una y me esperare para los proximas latas se ven que estan chidas quiero ese master ninja para mi coleccion hehe saludos.


Bovino adolescente
hola; me podrían checar mi deck soy nuevo en esto y para ver si esta bien o le falta algo:
Alexandrite Dragon x2
Snipe hunter
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Zombyra the dark
Spirit Reaper
Lightpulsar Drangon x2
Darkflare Dragon x2
Dark Armed Dragon
The White stone of legend
Jain Lightworn paladin
red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
grave squimer
ryko, lightsworn hunter
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon x2
Gorz The emissary of darkness
chaos sorcerer
Dragon negros de ojos rojos
Eclipse wyvern
Ancient Dragon
Lyla lightsworn sorceress
milla the temporal magican
lady of d
prime material dragon

lightning vortex
monster reborn
heavy storm
dark hole
D.D.R. different simension reincarnation

magic cylinder
dark bride
torrencial tribute
escape for the dark dimension
dust tornado
negate attack
mirror force
call of haunted
bottomless trap hole

Esas son ayúdenme porfa gracias


Bovino maduro
hola; me podrían checar mi deck soy nuevo en esto y para ver si esta bien o le falta algo:
Alexandrite Dragon x2
Snipe hunter
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Zombyra the dark
Spirit Reaper
Lightpulsar Drangon x2
Darkflare Dragon x2
Dark Armed Dragon
The White stone of legend
Jain Lightworn paladin
red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
grave squimer
ryko, lightsworn hunter
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon x2
Gorz The emissary of darkness
chaos sorcerer
Dragon negros de ojos rojos
Eclipse wyvern
Ancient Dragon
Lyla lightsworn sorceress
milla the temporal magican
lady of d
prime material dragon

lightning vortex
monster reborn
heavy storm
dark hole
D.D.R. different simension reincarnation

magic cylinder
dark bride
torrencial tribute
escape for the dark dimension
dust tornado
negate attack
mirror force
call of haunted
bottomless trap hole

Esas son ayúdenme porfa gracias
Veo que tienes muchos dragones, me imagino que quieres hacer ese deck, bueno uno que funciona bien es el dragonsworns o algo asi se llama, ya que combina los lightsworns con los dragones, bueno mis recomendaciones serian lo siguiente:

Zombyra the dark (no es dragon)
The White stone of legend (si le vas a sacar los blue eyes ya no sirve)
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2 (depues de que fusion futura se fue es mas dificil usarlo)
grave squimer (mmm... el deck es mas agro no se trata de defenderse)
Dragon negros de ojos rojos (pues no va)
lady of d ( protege dragones de ataques? para que? son DRAGONES)
Jinzo (mejor un royal, y sacar un poco de trampas)
milla the temporal magican (Me gusta la imagen pero no va ni al caso al deck)
wattaildragon (hay mejores cosas)
En trampas puedes sacar:
dark bride
negate attack
call of the hunted

ryko, lightsworn hunter (son muy buenos tanto para destruir como para botar y acelerarce en este deck)
Lightpulsar Drangon x3 (es lo mejor del deck)
Lyla lightsworn sorceress x 3 (limpiar las magias mas que nada por si dejas jinzo o royal decree)
Lumina, Lightsworn Summonerx 2 (para renacer y aparte botar lo dragonzones)
Phantom of Chaos (para copiar todo lo dark)
y si puedes 1 o 2 Jugdmend dragon.
Ya en magias lo lightsworn: brigada, recagas unas 2.
Y entran trampas si no metes decree, otro bottoless, otra mirror y otro torrential.

Bueno esta mi recomendacion personal, puede cambiarle otras cosas.


Bovino maduro
Que onda alguien que le pueda echar un vistazo a mi deck, sugerencias y esas cosas.
Pensaba meterle los chaos zone pero la verdad no creo que funcione muy bien, pienso ue me alentaria un poco el deck.
q tranza banda, pues les comparto para todos los q kieren saber q va a venir ahora en la Legendary Collection 3 aki esta el listado final

LC03-EN001 The Seal of Orichalcos (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN002 Dark Necrofear (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN003 Guardian Eatos (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN004 Five-Headed Dragon (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN005 Token (Emissary of Darkness Token) (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN006 Token (Pink Kuriboh Token) (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN007 Token (Orange Kuriboh Token) (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN001 Dark Magician (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN002 Gaia The Fierce Knight (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN003 Celtic Guardian (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN004 Silver Fang (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN005 Mystical Elf (Common)
LCYW-EN006 Curse of Dragon (Rare)
LCYW-EN007 Giant Soldier of Stone (Common)
LCYW-EN008 Feral Imp (Common)
LCYW-EN009 Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN010 Summoned Skull (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN011 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN012 Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN013 Beta the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN014 Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN015 Queen's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN016 Jack's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN017 King's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN018 Kuriboh (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN019 Catapult Turtle (Rare)
LCYW-EN020 Buster Blader (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN021 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN022 Dark Magician Girl (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN023 Breaker the Magical Warrior (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN024 Mirage Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN025 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN026 Dark Magician of Chaos (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN027 Dark Sage (Common)
LCYW-EN028 Dark Magician Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN029 Sorcerer of Dark Magic (Common)
LCYW-EN030 Watapon (Common)
LCYW-EN031 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN032 Big Shield Gardna (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN033 Silent Swordsman LV3 (Common)
LCYW-EN034 Silent Swordsman LV5 (Common)
LCYW-EN035 Silent Swordsman LV7 (Common)
LCYW-EN036 Obnoxious Celtic Guard (Common)
LCYW-EN037 Silent Magician LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN038 Silent Magician LV8 (Common)
LCYW-EN039 Green Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN040 Red Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN041 Yellow Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN042 Archfiend of Gilfer (Rare)
LCYW-EN043 The Tricky (Common)
LCYW-EN044 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN045 Berfomet (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN046 Black Luster Soldier (Common)
LCYW-EN047 Magician of Black Chaos (Common)
LCYW-EN048 Dark Paladin (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN049 Dark Flare Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN050 Dragon Master Knight (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN051 Arcana Knight Joker (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN052 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN053 Dark Hole (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN054 Raigeki (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN055 Fissure (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN056 Polymerization (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN057 Swords of Revealing Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN058 Monster Reborn (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN059 Pot of Greed (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN060 Card Destruction (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN061 Heavy Storm (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN062 Mystical Space Typhoon (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN063 De-Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN064 Graceful Charity (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN065 Double Spell (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN066 Diffusion Wave-Motion (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN067 Thousand Knives (Common)
LCYW-EN068 Heart of the Underdog (Common)
LCYW-EN069 Dedication through Light and Darkness (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN070 Black Luster Ritual (Common)
LCYW-EN071 Dark Magic Attack (Common)
LCYW-EN072 Knight's Title (Common)
LCYW-EN073 Sage's Stone (Rare)
LCYW-EN074 Brain Control (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN075 Magical Dimension (Common)
LCYW-EN076 Mystic Box (Common)
LCYW-EN077 Magicians Unite (Common)
LCYW-EN078 Black Magic Ritual (Common)
LCYW-EN079 Dark Magic Curtain (Rare)
LCYW-EN080 Gold Sarcophagus (Common)
LCYW-EN081 Soul Taker (Common)
LCYW-EN082 Magic Formula (Common)
LCYW-EN083 Union Attack (Common)
LCYW-EN084 Tricky Spell 4 (Common)
LCYW-EN085 Spell Shattering Arrow (Common)
LCYW-EN086 Multiply (Rare)
LCYW-EN087 Makiu, the Magical Mist (Common)
LCYW-EN088 Detonate (Common)
LCYW-EN089 Seven Tools of the Bandit (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN090 Horn of Heaven (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN091 Mirror Force (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN092 Spellbinding Circle (Common)
LCYW-EN093 Lightforce Sword (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN094 Chain Destruction (Common)
LCYW-EN095 Dust Tornado (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN096 Magical Hats (Common)
LCYW-EN097 Shift (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN098 Collected Power (Common)
LCYW-EN099 Magic Cylinder (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN100 Magician's Circle (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN101 Stronghold the Moving Fortress (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN102 Soul Rope (Common)
LCYW-EN103 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon (Rare)
LCYW-EN104 Manga Ryu-Ran (Rare)
LCYW-EN105 Toon Mermaid (Rare)
LCYW-EN106 Toon Summoned Skull (Rare)
LCYW-EN107 Toon Gemini Elf (Rare)
LCYW-EN108 Toon Goblin Attack Force (Rare)
LCYW-EN109 Toon Cannon Soldier (Rare)
LCYW-EN110 Toon Masked Sorcerer (Rare)
LCYW-EN111 Toon Dark Magician Girl (Rare)
LCYW-EN112 Dark-Eyes Illusionist (Rare)
LCYW-EN113 Relinquished (Rare)
LCYW-EN114 Black Illusion Ritual (Rare)
LCYW-EN115 Toon World (Rare)
LCYW-EN116 Toon Table of Contents (Rare)
LCYW-EN117 Dragon Capture Jar (Rare)
LCYW-EN118 Toon Defense (Rare)
LCYW-EN119 Man-Eater Bug (Common)
LCYW-EN120 Sangan (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN121 Morphing Jar (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN122 Puppet Master (Common)
LCYW-EN123 Dark Master - Zorc (Common)
LCYW-EN124 Change of Heart (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN125 Exchange (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN126 The Dark Door (Rare)
LCYW-EN127 Spiritualism (Common)
LCYW-EN128 Contract with the Dark Master (Common)
LCYW-EN129 Guardian Elma (Common)
LCYW-EN130 Guardian Ceal (Common)
LCYW-EN131 Guardian Grarl (Common)
LCYW-EN132 Guardian Baou (Common)
LCYW-EN133 Guardian Kay'est (Common)
LCYW-EN134 Guardian Tryce (Common)
LCYW-EN135 My Body as a Shield (Common)
LCYW-EN136 Butterfly Dagger - Elma (Common)
LCYW-EN137 Shooting Star Bow - Ceal (Common)
LCYW-EN138 Gravity Axe - Grarl (Common)
LCYW-EN139 Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou (Common)
LCYW-EN140 Rod of Silence - Kay'est (Common)
LCYW-EN141 Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce (Common)
LCYW-EN142 Monster Reincarnation (Rare)
LCYW-EN143 Gil Garth (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN144 Bowganian (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN145 Machine Duplication (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN146 Hidden Soldiers (Rare)
LCYW-EN147 Rope of Life (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN148 Malevolent Catastrophe (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN149 Harpie's Feather Duster (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN150 Gravity Bind (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN151 Mechanicalchaser (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN152 Solemn Judgment (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN153 Magic Jammer (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN154 Sinister Serpent (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN155 Mirage of Nightmare (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN156 Ordeal of a Traveler (Common)
LCYW-EN157 Tri-Horned Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN158 Two-Headed King Rex (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN159 Millennium Shield (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN160 Cosmo Queen (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN161 Fire Princess (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN162 Command Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN163 Malice Doll of Demise (Rare)
LCYW-EN164 White-Horned Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN165 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest (Common)
LCYW-EN166 Summoner Monk (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN167 Commander Covington (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN168 Machina Soldier (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN169 Machina Sniper (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN170 Machina Defender (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN171 Machina Force (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN172 Limiter Removal (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN173 Reinforcement of the Army (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN174 Dragged Down into the Grave (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN175 Ectoplasmer (Rare)
LCYW-EN176 Mind Control (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN177 Trap Hole (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN178 Imperial Order (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN179 Mask of Restrict (Common)
LCYW-EN180 Torrential Tribute (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN181 Bottomless Trap Hole (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN182 Royal Decree (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN183 Gravekeeper's Spy (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN184 Gravekeeper's Guard (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN185 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN186 Gravekeeper's Watcher (Common)
LCYW-EN187 Gravekeeper's Chief (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN188 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN189 Gravekeeper's Assailant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN190 Charm of Shabti (Common)
LCYW-EN191 Gravekeeper's Commandant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN192 Gravekeeper's Descendant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN193 Gravekeeper's Recruiter (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN194 Necrovalley (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN195 Royal Tribute (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN196 Rite of Spirit (Common)
LCYW-EN197 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN198 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 (Common)
LCYW-EN199 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 (Common)
LCYW-EN200 Mystic Swordsman LV2 (Common)
LCYW-EN201 Mystic Swordsman LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN202 Mystic Swordsman LV6 (Common)
LCYW-EN203 Armed Dragon LV3 (Common)
LCYW-EN204 Armed Dragon LV5 (Common)
LCYW-EN205 Armed Dragon LV7 (Common)
LCYW-EN206 Horus' Servant (Common)
LCYW-EN207 Level Up! (Common)
LCYW-EN208 Dark Grepher (Common)
LCYW-EN209 Dark Horus (Common)
LCYW-EN210 The Dark Creator (Common)
LCYW-EN211 Dark Nephthys (Common)
LCYW-EN212 Darklord Zerato (Common)
LCYW-EN213 Darknight Parshath (Common)
LCYW-EN214 Dark General Freed (Common)
LCYW-EN215 D.D. Warrior Lady (Rare)
LCYW-EN216 D.D. Scout Plane (Rare)
LCYW-EN217 D.D. Assailant (Rare)
LCYW-EN218 D.D. Warrior (Rare)
LCYW-EN219 Skull Servant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN220 Dark King of the Abyss (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN221 Aqua Madoor (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN222 Yaranzo (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN223 Takriminos (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN224 Megasonic Eye (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN225 Yamadron (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN226 Three-Legged Zombie (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN227 Fairy's Gift (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN228 Kanan the Swordmistress (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN229 Mystical Shine Ball (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN230 Big Eye (Rare)
LCYW-EN231 Banisher of the Light (Common)
LCYW-EN232 Giant Rat (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN233 UFO Turtle (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN234 Giant Germ (Common)
LCYW-EN235 Nimble Momonga (Common)
LCYW-EN236 Shining Angel (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN237 Mother Grizzly (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN238 Flying Kamakiri #1 (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN239 Mystic Tomato (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN240 Morphing Jar #2 (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN241 Goddess of Whim (Common)
LCYW-EN242 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN243 Summoner of Illusions (Common)
LCYW-EN244 Needle Worm (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN245 Pyramid Turtle (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN246 Spirit Reaper (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN247 Arsenal Summoner (Common)
LCYW-EN248 Chaos Sorcerer (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN249 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN250 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands (Common)
LCYW-EN251 Invader of Darkness (Common)
LCYW-EN252 The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN253 The Agent of Creation - Venus (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN254 Solar Flare Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN255 Emissary of the Afterlife (Common)
LCYW-EN256 King of the Swamp (Common)
LCYW-EN257 The Creator (Common)
LCYW-EN258 The Creator Incarnate (Common)
LCYW-EN259 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN260 Hand of Nephthys (Rare)
LCYW-EN261 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei (Common)
LCYW-EN262 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN263 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN264 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN265 Upstart Goblin (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN266 Messenger of Peace (Common)
LCYW-EN267 Prohibition (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN268 Fusion Gate (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN269 Creature Swap (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN270 Book of Moon (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN271 Dark Snake Syndrome (Rare)
LCYW-EN272 Non-Spellcasting Area (Common)
LCYW-EN273 Contract with the Abyss (Common)
LCYW-EN274 Stray Lambs (Common)
LCYW-EN275 Smashing Ground (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN276 Salvage (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN277 Earth Chant (Common)
LCYW-EN278 Spell Economics (Common)
LCYW-EN279 Level Limit - Area B (Common)
LCYW-EN280 A Feather of the Phoenix (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN281 Swords of Concealing Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN282 Centrifugal Field (Common)
LCYW-EN283 Acid Trap Hole (Rare)
LCYW-EN284 DNA Surgery (Common)
LCYW-EN285 Reckless Greed (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN286 Raigeki Break (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN287 Goblin Fan (Common)
LCYW-EN288 Sakuretsu Armor (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN289 Chain Disappearance (Common)
LCYW-EN290 Dark Mirror Force (Rare)
LCYW-EN291 Compulsory Evacuation Device (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN292 DNA Transplant (Common)
LCYW-EN293 Beckoning Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN294 Draining Shield (Common)
LCYW-EN295 Mind Crush (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN296 Penalty Game! (Common)
LCYW-EN297 Threatening Roar (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN298 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN299 Level Limit - Area A (Common)
LCYW-EN300 Black Horn of Heaven (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN301 Solemn Warning (Common)
LCYW-EN302 Right Leg of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN303 Left Leg of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN304 Right Arm of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN305 Left Arm of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN306 Exodia the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)


Bovino adicto
hola; me podrían checar mi deck soy nuevo en esto y para ver si esta bien o le falta algo:
Alexandrite Dragon x2
Snipe hunter
Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2
Zombyra the dark
Spirit Reaper
Lightpulsar Drangon x2
Darkflare Dragon x2
Dark Armed Dragon
The White stone of legend
Jain Lightworn paladin
red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
grave squimer
ryko, lightsworn hunter
Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon x2
Gorz The emissary of darkness
chaos sorcerer
Dragon negros de ojos rojos
Eclipse wyvern
Ancient Dragon
Lyla lightsworn sorceress
milla the temporal magican
lady of d
prime material dragon

lightning vortex
monster reborn
heavy storm
dark hole
D.D.R. different simension reincarnation

magic cylinder
dark bride
torrencial tribute
escape for the dark dimension
dust tornado
negate attack
mirror force
call of haunted
bottomless trap hole

Esas son ayúdenme porfa gracias

Y enfocado a q te gustaria q fuera tu Deck carnal,tienes chance de comprar mas cartas o solo dispones de estas??

Que onda alguien que le pueda echar un vistazo a mi deck, sugerencias y esas cosas.
Pensaba meterle los chaos zone pero la verdad no creo que funcione muy bien, pienso ue me alentaria un poco el deck.

Pues a mi si me ha funcionado la Chaos Zone,al removerle contadores regreso algun mono haciendolos Synchro/Exceed o solo de muro por si no tengo juego =D

q tranza banda, pues les comparto para todos los q kieren saber q va a venir ahora en la Legendary Collection 3 aki esta el listado final

LC03-EN001 The Seal of Orichalcos (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN002 Dark Necrofear (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN003 Guardian Eatos (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN004 Five-Headed Dragon (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN005 Token (Emissary of Darkness Token) (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN006 Token (Pink Kuriboh Token) (Ultra Rare)
LC03-EN007 Token (Orange Kuriboh Token) (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN001 Dark Magician (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN002 Gaia The Fierce Knight (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN003 Celtic Guardian (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN004 Silver Fang (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN005 Mystical Elf (Common)
LCYW-EN006 Curse of Dragon (Rare)
LCYW-EN007 Giant Soldier of Stone (Common)
LCYW-EN008 Feral Imp (Common)
LCYW-EN009 Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN010 Summoned Skull (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN011 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN012 Alpha the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN013 Beta the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN014 Gamma the Magnet Warrior (Common)
LCYW-EN015 Queen's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN016 Jack's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN017 King's Knight (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN018 Kuriboh (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN019 Catapult Turtle (Rare)
LCYW-EN020 Buster Blader (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN021 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN022 Dark Magician Girl (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN023 Breaker the Magical Warrior (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN024 Mirage Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN025 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN026 Dark Magician of Chaos (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN027 Dark Sage (Common)
LCYW-EN028 Dark Magician Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN029 Sorcerer of Dark Magic (Common)
LCYW-EN030 Watapon (Common)
LCYW-EN031 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN032 Big Shield Gardna (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN033 Silent Swordsman LV3 (Common)
LCYW-EN034 Silent Swordsman LV5 (Common)
LCYW-EN035 Silent Swordsman LV7 (Common)
LCYW-EN036 Obnoxious Celtic Guard (Common)
LCYW-EN037 Silent Magician LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN038 Silent Magician LV8 (Common)
LCYW-EN039 Green Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN040 Red Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN041 Yellow Gadget (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN042 Archfiend of Gilfer (Rare)
LCYW-EN043 The Tricky (Common)
LCYW-EN044 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN045 Berfomet (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN046 Black Luster Soldier (Common)
LCYW-EN047 Magician of Black Chaos (Common)
LCYW-EN048 Dark Paladin (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN049 Dark Flare Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN050 Dragon Master Knight (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN051 Arcana Knight Joker (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN052 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN053 Dark Hole (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN054 Raigeki (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN055 Fissure (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN056 Polymerization (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN057 Swords of Revealing Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN058 Monster Reborn (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN059 Pot of Greed (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN060 Card Destruction (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN061 Heavy Storm (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN062 Mystical Space Typhoon (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN063 De-Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN064 Graceful Charity (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN065 Double Spell (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN066 Diffusion Wave-Motion (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN067 Thousand Knives (Common)
LCYW-EN068 Heart of the Underdog (Common)
LCYW-EN069 Dedication through Light and Darkness (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN070 Black Luster Ritual (Common)
LCYW-EN071 Dark Magic Attack (Common)
LCYW-EN072 Knight's Title (Common)
LCYW-EN073 Sage's Stone (Rare)
LCYW-EN074 Brain Control (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN075 Magical Dimension (Common)
LCYW-EN076 Mystic Box (Common)
LCYW-EN077 Magicians Unite (Common)
LCYW-EN078 Black Magic Ritual (Common)
LCYW-EN079 Dark Magic Curtain (Rare)
LCYW-EN080 Gold Sarcophagus (Common)
LCYW-EN081 Soul Taker (Common)
LCYW-EN082 Magic Formula (Common)
LCYW-EN083 Union Attack (Common)
LCYW-EN084 Tricky Spell 4 (Common)
LCYW-EN085 Spell Shattering Arrow (Common)
LCYW-EN086 Multiply (Rare)
LCYW-EN087 Makiu, the Magical Mist (Common)
LCYW-EN088 Detonate (Common)
LCYW-EN089 Seven Tools of the Bandit (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN090 Horn of Heaven (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN091 Mirror Force (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN092 Spellbinding Circle (Common)
LCYW-EN093 Lightforce Sword (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN094 Chain Destruction (Common)
LCYW-EN095 Dust Tornado (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN096 Magical Hats (Common)
LCYW-EN097 Shift (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN098 Collected Power (Common)
LCYW-EN099 Magic Cylinder (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN100 Magician's Circle (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN101 Stronghold the Moving Fortress (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN102 Soul Rope (Common)
LCYW-EN103 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon (Rare)
LCYW-EN104 Manga Ryu-Ran (Rare)
LCYW-EN105 Toon Mermaid (Rare)
LCYW-EN106 Toon Summoned Skull (Rare)
LCYW-EN107 Toon Gemini Elf (Rare)
LCYW-EN108 Toon Goblin Attack Force (Rare)
LCYW-EN109 Toon Cannon Soldier (Rare)
LCYW-EN110 Toon Masked Sorcerer (Rare)
LCYW-EN111 Toon Dark Magician Girl (Rare)
LCYW-EN112 Dark-Eyes Illusionist (Rare)
LCYW-EN113 Relinquished (Rare)
LCYW-EN114 Black Illusion Ritual (Rare)
LCYW-EN115 Toon World (Rare)
LCYW-EN116 Toon Table of Contents (Rare)
LCYW-EN117 Dragon Capture Jar (Rare)
LCYW-EN118 Toon Defense (Rare)
LCYW-EN119 Man-Eater Bug (Common)
LCYW-EN120 Sangan (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN121 Morphing Jar (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN122 Puppet Master (Common)
LCYW-EN123 Dark Master - Zorc (Common)
LCYW-EN124 Change of Heart (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN125 Exchange (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN126 The Dark Door (Rare)
LCYW-EN127 Spiritualism (Common)
LCYW-EN128 Contract with the Dark Master (Common)
LCYW-EN129 Guardian Elma (Common)
LCYW-EN130 Guardian Ceal (Common)
LCYW-EN131 Guardian Grarl (Common)
LCYW-EN132 Guardian Baou (Common)
LCYW-EN133 Guardian Kay'est (Common)
LCYW-EN134 Guardian Tryce (Common)
LCYW-EN135 My Body as a Shield (Common)
LCYW-EN136 Butterfly Dagger - Elma (Common)
LCYW-EN137 Shooting Star Bow - Ceal (Common)
LCYW-EN138 Gravity Axe - Grarl (Common)
LCYW-EN139 Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou (Common)
LCYW-EN140 Rod of Silence - Kay'est (Common)
LCYW-EN141 Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce (Common)
LCYW-EN142 Monster Reincarnation (Rare)
LCYW-EN143 Gil Garth (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN144 Bowganian (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN145 Machine Duplication (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN146 Hidden Soldiers (Rare)
LCYW-EN147 Rope of Life (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN148 Malevolent Catastrophe (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN149 Harpie's Feather Duster (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN150 Gravity Bind (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN151 Mechanicalchaser (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN152 Solemn Judgment (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN153 Magic Jammer (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN154 Sinister Serpent (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN155 Mirage of Nightmare (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN156 Ordeal of a Traveler (Common)
LCYW-EN157 Tri-Horned Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN158 Two-Headed King Rex (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN159 Millennium Shield (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN160 Cosmo Queen (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN161 Fire Princess (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN162 Command Knight (Common)
LCYW-EN163 Malice Doll of Demise (Rare)
LCYW-EN164 White-Horned Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN165 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest (Common)
LCYW-EN166 Summoner Monk (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN167 Commander Covington (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN168 Machina Soldier (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN169 Machina Sniper (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN170 Machina Defender (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN171 Machina Force (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN172 Limiter Removal (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN173 Reinforcement of the Army (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN174 Dragged Down into the Grave (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN175 Ectoplasmer (Rare)
LCYW-EN176 Mind Control (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN177 Trap Hole (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN178 Imperial Order (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN179 Mask of Restrict (Common)
LCYW-EN180 Torrential Tribute (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN181 Bottomless Trap Hole (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN182 Royal Decree (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN183 Gravekeeper's Spy (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN184 Gravekeeper's Guard (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN185 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN186 Gravekeeper's Watcher (Common)
LCYW-EN187 Gravekeeper's Chief (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN188 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN189 Gravekeeper's Assailant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN190 Charm of Shabti (Common)
LCYW-EN191 Gravekeeper's Commandant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN192 Gravekeeper's Descendant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN193 Gravekeeper's Recruiter (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN194 Necrovalley (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN195 Royal Tribute (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN196 Rite of Spirit (Common)
LCYW-EN197 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN198 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 (Common)
LCYW-EN199 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 (Common)
LCYW-EN200 Mystic Swordsman LV2 (Common)
LCYW-EN201 Mystic Swordsman LV4 (Common)
LCYW-EN202 Mystic Swordsman LV6 (Common)
LCYW-EN203 Armed Dragon LV3 (Common)
LCYW-EN204 Armed Dragon LV5 (Common)
LCYW-EN205 Armed Dragon LV7 (Common)
LCYW-EN206 Horus' Servant (Common)
LCYW-EN207 Level Up! (Common)
LCYW-EN208 Dark Grepher (Common)
LCYW-EN209 Dark Horus (Common)
LCYW-EN210 The Dark Creator (Common)
LCYW-EN211 Dark Nephthys (Common)
LCYW-EN212 Darklord Zerato (Common)
LCYW-EN213 Darknight Parshath (Common)
LCYW-EN214 Dark General Freed (Common)
LCYW-EN215 D.D. Warrior Lady (Rare)
LCYW-EN216 D.D. Scout Plane (Rare)
LCYW-EN217 D.D. Assailant (Rare)
LCYW-EN218 D.D. Warrior (Rare)
LCYW-EN219 Skull Servant (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN220 Dark King of the Abyss (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN221 Aqua Madoor (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN222 Yaranzo (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN223 Takriminos (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN224 Megasonic Eye (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN225 Yamadron (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN226 Three-Legged Zombie (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN227 Fairy's Gift (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN228 Kanan the Swordmistress (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN229 Mystical Shine Ball (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN230 Big Eye (Rare)
LCYW-EN231 Banisher of the Light (Common)
LCYW-EN232 Giant Rat (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN233 UFO Turtle (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN234 Giant Germ (Common)
LCYW-EN235 Nimble Momonga (Common)
LCYW-EN236 Shining Angel (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN237 Mother Grizzly (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN238 Flying Kamakiri #1 (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN239 Mystic Tomato (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN240 Morphing Jar #2 (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN241 Goddess of Whim (Common)
LCYW-EN242 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN243 Summoner of Illusions (Common)
LCYW-EN244 Needle Worm (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN245 Pyramid Turtle (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN246 Spirit Reaper (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN247 Arsenal Summoner (Common)
LCYW-EN248 Chaos Sorcerer (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN249 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN250 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands (Common)
LCYW-EN251 Invader of Darkness (Common)
LCYW-EN252 The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN253 The Agent of Creation - Venus (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN254 Solar Flare Dragon (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN255 Emissary of the Afterlife (Common)
LCYW-EN256 King of the Swamp (Common)
LCYW-EN257 The Creator (Common)
LCYW-EN258 The Creator Incarnate (Common)
LCYW-EN259 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN260 Hand of Nephthys (Rare)
LCYW-EN261 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei (Common)
LCYW-EN262 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN263 The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN264 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion (Common)
LCYW-EN265 Upstart Goblin (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN266 Messenger of Peace (Common)
LCYW-EN267 Prohibition (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN268 Fusion Gate (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN269 Creature Swap (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN270 Book of Moon (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN271 Dark Snake Syndrome (Rare)
LCYW-EN272 Non-Spellcasting Area (Common)
LCYW-EN273 Contract with the Abyss (Common)
LCYW-EN274 Stray Lambs (Common)
LCYW-EN275 Smashing Ground (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN276 Salvage (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN277 Earth Chant (Common)
LCYW-EN278 Spell Economics (Common)
LCYW-EN279 Level Limit - Area B (Common)
LCYW-EN280 A Feather of the Phoenix (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN281 Swords of Concealing Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN282 Centrifugal Field (Common)
LCYW-EN283 Acid Trap Hole (Rare)
LCYW-EN284 DNA Surgery (Common)
LCYW-EN285 Reckless Greed (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN286 Raigeki Break (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN287 Goblin Fan (Common)
LCYW-EN288 Sakuretsu Armor (Super Rare)
LCYW-EN289 Chain Disappearance (Common)
LCYW-EN290 Dark Mirror Force (Rare)
LCYW-EN291 Compulsory Evacuation Device (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN292 DNA Transplant (Common)
LCYW-EN293 Beckoning Light (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN294 Draining Shield (Common)
LCYW-EN295 Mind Crush (Ultra Rare)
LCYW-EN296 Penalty Game! (Common)
LCYW-EN297 Threatening Roar (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN298 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN299 Level Limit - Area A (Common)
LCYW-EN300 Black Horn of Heaven (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN301 Solemn Warning (Common)
LCYW-EN302 Right Leg of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN303 Left Leg of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN304 Right Arm of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN305 Left Arm of the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)
LCYW-EN306 Exodia the Forbidden One (Secret Rare)

=O carnal,solo habia topado media lista,tsss ese Exodia Secret debo conseguirlo!!

Y como ves mi Deck Descarte/Remocion??
Y como ves mi Deck Descarte/Remocion??
q onda viejo, como andas.... fijate q casi no he tenido chance por la chamba de armarlo.... pero en general se ve chido, solo me kedan algunas dudas.... el unico tuner q manejas es la D.D. sprite?? o como es q haces sincro?? y para los XYZ si son funcionales todos??? me gustaria q me contaras mas sobre la estrategia de juego de tu deck.... gracias viejo!!
Cerrado para nuevas respuestas.