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(ANDROID) Sygic GPS Navigation v11.2.2 Full

cambia el. servidor pls se me corta a la mitad nunk termina de dekrgarse y tengo q eaperar para volver a intentar
Hola, lo bajé e instalé en mi modesto Motorola XT531 pero tengo al parecer igual se requiere un serial, alguien más se ha dado cuenta?
Muchas gracias hermano, lo voy a probar con tablet Acer Iconia A500, ojalá que jale satisfactoriamente. Un abrazo enorme carnal!!
Bajando Grax!!! Pues vamos a probarlo, en galaxy ace a ver q tal funciona, ya comentare que tal me fue.
gracias por el aporte a ver que tal jala este gps
Muy bueno tiene los mapas a nivel global segun parece, nadamas que es bastante para descargar, les recomiendo una buena wifi ya que por ejemplo el mapa de mexico son unos 382mb
Descargando y probando en optimus black se agradece el aporte...
En otra pon en español ya que no somos unos gringos hdp
Requirements: For Android version 2.1 and higher, supports App2SD
Overview: Sygic is the professional turn-by-turn GPS navigation app. Sygic boasts an intuitive interface: drag the map, pinch to zoom, change point of view using built-in compass and tap target square to choose action. Sygic is comfortable and safe with advanced routing is optimized for Real-Time Traffic and is packed with valuable content: maps with 3D view of cities and landscape that are updated for free, travel guides, and thousands of POIs in comprehensive categories!


Powerful Navigation and Features
✓Turn by turn voice guided GPS navigation
✓3D cities and landscape
✓Spoken street names
✓Real-Time Traffic (available as a subscription at http://www.sygic.com)
✓Dynamic Lane Guidance™ and Signposts
✓Interactive map - tap on any street, POI or photo to choose action
✓Speed camera and speed limit display and audio warning
✓Visual notification of upcoming speed limit change
✓Build and save advanced routes with multiple waypoints
✓Edit routes or avoid parts of the route

Compatible to the Max
✓Hardware accelerated 3D rendering
✓Compass-assisted direction detection
✓Support for displays with high resolution and tablet display
✓Custom POI import and POI convertor at http://www.sygic.com/poi

Valuable Content and Intelligent Search
✓The latest TomTom maps stored on the phone for offline use
✓Free map updates
✓Free updates of speed limits, speed cameras and points of interest
✓Google Local Search™
✓Quick Search™ that searches everything from POIs to streets, accessible right from the map
✓Search for any street without knowing the name of city or suburb
✓Navigate Home, to Contacts, geotagged photos, POIs, postal codes, intersections or GPS coordinates

Fully Integrated Traffic
✓Extent of traffic jams displayed on the map
✓Estimated delay for each traffic jam
✓Automatic notification of new delays, recalculation and ETA adjustment
✓Call up a list of incidents on the route by tapping on the traffic status icon while viewing the map

Safety and User Comfort
✓SOS / Help button in Menu – Info
✓Road incident sharing and real-time incident notifications
✓Customizable navigation screen
✓Car audio integration using Bluetooth or cable
✓Stopwatch for your outdoor activities
✓Traveled routes statistics and altitude profiles in Travel Book
✓Pedestrian navigation
✓Facebook and Twitter integration
✓Friends on the map

Intended to fix bugs in SGS and SGS II.
What's in this version:
✓Fixed crashing on 70% of Galaxy S/S2 devices, we are still working on remaining problems
✓Freezing while navigating fixed
✓Fixed crashing on startup
✓New maps: Iraq, Turkey, Europe & Russia in a single package


Lastima, revise y no tiene soporte para Peru... algun gps que me recomienden???
lo instale en un galaxy 3 pero no me abre, ya descargue los mapas de mexico pero cuando abro la aplicacion me la cierra de inmediato, que puedo hacer, ayudar
lo instale en un galaxy 3 pero no me abre, ya descargue los mapas de mexico pero cuando abro la aplicacion me la cierra de inmediato, que puedo hacer, ayudar

a mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo, sera el celular???? tmb tengo el s3 lo abri descargue los mapas y despues lo abro pone inicializando y se cierra de inmediato, sera el celular??? o que telcel tenga bloqueado el programa para que contratemos su Gps telcel que esta carisimooooooooooo