Las famosas burbujas de vista en XP

bueno bacunos les traigo el protector de pantalla de VISTA (burbujas) para XP bueno es demaciado facil de poner:xp:


Copiaras los archivos .scr dentro de las carpertas a la siguiente ruta de tu pc:
x:/Windows/ ( " x " es la unidad donde tienes instalado windows )
lo mas comun seria c:/Windows/
y ahora ve a las propiedades de pantalla y elige el protector de pantalla y listo ahora tienes las bubujas:histerica::histerica:


Descarga: losiento pero no habia tenido tiempo de cambiar la liga de la descarga
caray soy el primero ca... en agradescer, se ve bueno y pus dije "tengo que tenrelo" y pos vamos a ver ke tal, gracias por el aporte ca... saludos.


Bovino adolescente
Ya no permite descargar, dice esto:

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

Error This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.
This limit is reached.
To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information. "

Hay que volverlas a subir o eliminar el thread.
x_x jodidos de rapishare.... ya de q sirve ese servicio... hay q ir buscando otras alternativas.... Utiliza tu skydrive... te aguanta hasta 5Gb..(no hago propaganda)