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Root para Xperia Ray, Arc, Neo V entre Otros, con ICS oficial =D

disculpa ya se puede rootear un xperia s es que lo acabo de comprar y apenas estoy checando!!!!
Hola que tal disculpa no pude hacer el root, tengo el xperia ray sera por que el firmware es el 4.1.B.0.431? Espero tu respuesta gracias
disculpen yo tengo un sony ericsson pro mk16, corro el programa pero cuando prende no me aparece el superuser
oye pero que version de android tienes
esque yo lo quiero hacer pero no se si sea compatible con la 4.0.3
Tengo un sk17a, actualizado a 4.0.4 ICS, compilación 4.1.B.0.431. Es un Telcel de México, y por más que lo he intentado con varios métodos no puedo hacerle root. Alguien conoce uno que funcione a la fecha (01/09/2012)??? Tiene el bootloader bloqueado.
a mi me sale este error

Make a choice: 1
Checking if i should run in Normal Mode or special Sony Mode
Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now
Waiting for device to shop up, if nothing happens please check if Windows ADB-dr
ivers are installed correctly!
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
1643 KB/s (210390 bytes in 0.125s)
remote object '/system/bin/ric' does not exist

Found Sony Backup-Restore.apk
LT26,LT22 etc. mode enabled!

Pushing busybox....
2260 KB/s (1085140 bytes in 0.468s)
Pushing su binary ....
1916 KB/s (91980 bytes in 0.046s)
Pushing Superuser app
2395 KB/s (996704 bytes in 0.406s)
Making busybox runable ...
Pushing fake Backup
2304 KB/s (73728 bytes in 0.031s)
Extracting fakebackup on device ...
Watch now your device. Select the backup named RootMe and restore it!
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.L
AUNCHER] cmp=com.sonyericsson.vendor.backuprestore/.ui.BackupActivity }
If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.
Running ......

Good, it worked! Now we are rebooting soon, please be patient!
Waiting for device to come up again....
Going to copy files to it's place
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
You can close all open command-prompts now!
After reboot all is done! Have fun!
Presione una tecla para continuar . . .

en un Xperia P compilacion 6.1.1.B.1.54 y naranjas que se deja Rootear
a mi me sale este error

Make a choice: 1
Checking if i should run in Normal Mode or special Sony Mode
Please connect your device with USB-Debugging enabled now
Waiting for device to shop up, if nothing happens please check if Windows ADB-dr
ivers are installed correctly!
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
1643 KB/s (210390 bytes in 0.125s)
remote object '/system/bin/ric' does not exist

Found Sony Backup-Restore.apk
LT26,LT22 etc. mode enabled!

Pushing busybox....
2260 KB/s (1085140 bytes in 0.468s)
Pushing su binary ....
1916 KB/s (91980 bytes in 0.046s)
Pushing Superuser app
2395 KB/s (996704 bytes in 0.406s)
Making busybox runable ...
Pushing fake Backup
2304 KB/s (73728 bytes in 0.031s)
Extracting fakebackup on device ...
Watch now your device. Select the backup named RootMe and restore it!
Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.L
AUNCHER] cmp=com.sonyericsson.vendor.backuprestore/.ui.BackupActivity }
If all is successful i will tell you, if not this shell will run forever.
Running ......

Good, it worked! Now we are rebooting soon, please be patient!
Waiting for device to come up again....
Going to copy files to it's place
mount: permission denied (are you root?)
You can close all open command-prompts now!
After reboot all is done! Have fun!
Presione una tecla para continuar . . .

en un Xperia P compilacion 6.1.1.B.1.54 y naranjas que se deja Rootear
hola como estas con una duda servira para un xperia acro s LT26w version android 4.0.4 compilacion 6.1.A.2.45
oye brother no habra forma de que arregles el link?? saludos