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QuickOffice v3.0 ipa MICROSOFT OFFICE iPhone iPod App


Bovino adolescente
4 Ago 2010


Enjoy superior Microsoft® Word AND Excel CREATE & EDIT functionality today in a powerful productivity suite! Also - VIEW, EMAIL, and ACCESS attachments with the most popular file formats including PowerPoint, PDF,

iWork, HTML, PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, TIF, MP3, etc.
Quickoffice is known worldwide for delivering best-in-class mobile office software and now for a limited time - we are offering the same great software at an incredible price. At Quickoffice, we are committed to bring

you not only the best mobile office software, we also offer the best value to our customers.
Reasons to buy Quickoffice vs. any other solution:

* Fast and responsive app performance
* No desktop client to install - simple browser file transfer from any computer
* Robust, rich features for power users such as two finger zoom
* No need to purchase MS Exchange® to access or email files
* Very easy to use, intuitive UI - no confusing menus
* Easy access and sharing of files
* 100% data integrity - guaranteed Microsoft compatibility
* Responsive customer service - 24/7 support
* Simply works better!

Top Industry Awards

* Best Business Application - CTIA Wireless 2009
* Most Innovative Mobile Application - Finalists 2009 Andrew Seybold Choice Awards
* Editor's Choice - iPhone Life Magazine

Experts Agree

* "Top 10 Must-Have iPhone Business Apps" - PC World
* "It's our choice, bar none, for Office functionality on the iPhone." - LAPTOP
* "It has an impressive suite of features" - The Wall Street Journal
* "Being able to share docs so easily via email and iDisk is a huge bonus" - TheAppleblog.com

Quickoffice® offers 7 powerful products in 1 simple application:

* Create, Open & Edit Word documents
* Create, Open & Edit Excel spreadsheets
* Transfer desktop files via WiFi
* Advanced Notepad Editor
* Remotely access MobileMe® iDisk® accounts
* Email files directly via iPhone
* Mount your device as a drive

Quickword® - Advanced Word® Document Processing

* Create, Open & Edit Microsoft Word documents
* Intuitively cut/copy/paste text
* Easy to use double/triple tap for word/paragraph selection
* Extensive text formatting; bold, italics, font sizes, styles
* Auto-correction (predictive text)
* Auto-capitalization
* Double-tap to create a period
* Wrap text at any zoom level eliminates repetitive left/right scrolling
* Adjust indentation level of bulleted/numbered lists, paragraphs
* Find text in docs
* Set paragraph alignment
* Easily view wide tables
* High-fidelity rendering
* Confidently edit with auto-save & auto-restore
* Edit bulleted/numbered lists
* File Support: Edit (97-2008) .DOC, .DOCX, .TXT

Quicksheet® - Advanced Excel® Spreadsheet Editor

* Create, Open & Edit Excel spreadsheets
* Professional-grade calculation engine
* Supports advanced Excel features
* Copy/paste cells, columns, rows, and cell ranges & formulas are dynamically updated
* Landscape editing
* Set/remove cell borders
* Edit font type & size
* Edit directly into a cell in portrait view
* Add, rename, delete, and reorder worksheets inside a single spreadsheet
* Tap, hold & drag column/row headers to increase/decrease column width/row height
* Extensive formatting; bold, italic, cell background, font color, accounting, currency, decimals, currency symbols
* Double tap on a cell & drag to select a range
* Easily change inputs and recalculate
* Confidently edit with auto-save and auto-restore
* File Support: (97-2008) .XLS, .XLSX
Also includes Quickoffice® Files functionality for remote access, email, WiFi, and file management:

* Email local or remote files without having to download them
* Mount device as a wireless drive via WiFi
* Drag and drop files between your device and computer via WiFi
* Remotely Access your MobileMe® iDisk® account (separate account required)
* Create new folders on your iDisk account or device to manage digital content
* Save files to your iPhone for offline viewing
* View most common file types
* Easily organize, rename, and move files on your device
* Passcode protection keeps content safe

6.7 MB

carnal i no read english pleas. carnal se pueden leer archivos de mi pc al ipod o solo se pueden crear ademas si se pueden meter como los meto XD gracias
hace tiempo lo tuve y muy bueno , ya ni recuerdo como usarlo compañero , podrias poner un tuto rapido?me interesa su aporte , gracias.
Gracias por la aplicación, la descargo de una vez para ponerla en mi iphone en cuanto pueda liberarlo. :vientos:
Sentido Comun

carnal i no read english pleas. carnal se pueden leer archivos de mi pc al ipod o solo se pueden crear ademas si se pueden meter como los meto XD gracias
No se quien es el que lo posteo y si hable español pero usa el traductor de google y la manera mas sencilla es por medio de WiFi debes tenerlo activado en el ipod y le das clic al icono de WiFi en la aplicacion y te da un numero de IP esa la ingresas en el navegador de tu compu y ahi te aparecen todos los documentos de la aplicacion puedes bajarlos a tu compu o puedes subir desde tu compu, espero te sirva la informacion. y Gracias a este amigo por el aporte y si no habla español please use google translator to find out everything you say and can give help
superrrr, espr que funcione mi excel bien ya que el original que trae no habre los trabajos que ocupo de muchas pestanas en exel.

a calar se a dicho