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plantilla joomla y rediseño de mi web


Bovino Milenario
13 Dic 2008
que tal compañeros, pues parece que ba-k ya esta de nuevo en linea, despues de estos dias de estar offline el motivo de este post es para dejarles esta plantilla de joomla

ocketTheme - Populus

RocketThemes - Populus

* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Joomla 1.5 Native version available
* 8 Preset Styles
* Ability to flip sidebar from right to left
* Fireboard forum integration
* Community Builder Integration
* GroupJive Integration
* Incredible new RokSlide based tabbed module system
* RocketLauncher enabled - Create your own site just like the demo site with only a few clicks
* 6 Hilite module variations for each color style
* 22 fully collapsible module positions for the most flexible layout options possible
* 3 built-in menu options - The exclusive RokMooMenu menu system, Suckerfish, SplitMenu, as well as a module position to use your own custom menu module (Module)
* RokZoom Integration - custom slimbox variant built from the ground-up with cool zoom effect and a brand new look
* Built-in IE6 PNG fix
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
* Fully compatible IE6, IE7, Safari 2, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9, OmniWeb, Shira, Netscape.
* Source Adobe Fireworks PNGs included


y bueno rediseñe mi pagina de cortometrajes usando esta plantilla me gustaria saber tambien su opinion

link a mi pagina

saludos y espero sus comentarios
