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Pagina Secreta Illuminati...

bastante sospechoso que te dirija a la pagina de la NSA bastante sospechoso, buen post.
eeeeeee? k tiene de raro ? secreto? oculto ??????
no bro mira yo soy webmaster y esto es muy facil solo compras el dominio y rediriges a la pagina que mas te convenga xD

puedes comprar el yosoyelmasgrandeiluminati.com y la rediriges a la pagina de la casa blanca jaja

no te asustos hermano

visita mi web es mas www.centralmovies.net
es una forma mas en que la cia y nsa en conjuto con el pentagono nos sigan espiando para poder enterderno, y mesclarse y descubrir a quienes desean un mal para su pais, o para el anfitrion...
que paso carnal que tiene que ver la nsa con los iluminati? almenos ezplicalo
Seguramente un wey compro el dominio y lo configuro para que redireccione a esa pagina
Subject: ITANIMULLI.COM just some questions i have
From: webmaster@harrythomas.info (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Sun, Dec 13, 2009 1:09 pm
To: Pontifier@hotmail.com
Dear Mr. Fenley,
I have recently been alerted to the fact that you own the Domain Name: ITANIMULLI.COM.
The website redirects to the NSA website . Many of us are wondering why that is ? Are you an employee of the NSA or DARPA ? Did you know your website spells Illuminati backwards? Are you familiar with the Illuminati and Its New World Order Plan ? If so are you pro or con ?
I really would appreciate it if you took some time to answer these questions and put our enquiring minds to rest. Thank you for your time.
Harry Thomas
He responded
Subject: RE: ITANIMULLI.COM just some questions i have
From: John Fenley (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Sun, Dec 20, 2009 1:33 am
I decided to forward the domain Itanimulli.com domain to the NSA as a joke… kind of like a rickroll + shock site. I registered the website years ago precisely because it does spell Illuminati backwards, but didn’t really do anything with it for a long time. When I had the idea to forward the domain to the NSA I couldn’t pass it up, and couldn’t stop laughing…
I don’t believe that the Illuminati actually exists, and only one black helicopter has ever buzzed my house (that’s a whole other story). I’m not sure what the New World Order Plan is, but if you have more information, I’ll gladly tell you what I think of it.
I am not an employee of the NSA or DARPA, though I have participated in several DARPA contests including the 2 Grand Challenges, the Urban Challenge and the recent Network Challenge.
Thanks for your interest,
John Fenley
