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ººMensaje EXTRATERRESTRE en 1977 en la BBCºº

O quiza algun experimento masivo, ¿que paso con la guerra de los mundos transmitida por la radio?, luego luego los primeros en caer fueron "los paniqueados"
Siempre se ha escuchado de "CUIDADO CON LOS FALSOS PROFETAS" osea no crean en López Obrador
ha sin comentarios, solo me da gusto saber que me tocara vivir en estos años, hojala y si pase algo bien loco y no sea como otras tonterias como el cambio de siglo que no paso nada
sin paalabras aver si ya entendemos.........¿¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
orale k loco esta my bueno ya algo habia sacado el buen maussan
pues esta raro como se supone que seres de otros mundos hablen el mismo idioma que nosotros, en este caso el ingles? esta dudoso, talvez quisieron hacerlo como la transmision en la radio de la guerra de los mundos, no se, deja en que pensar, porque algun dia esto pasara sino es que ya paso.
mmmm... yo tengo una duda

en el caso de q sea cierto... porq solo en la cadena BBC, en Inglaterra y en ingles???

de querer dar un mensaje global, habría sido en todas las comunicaciones y en todos los idiomas no??

pues claro que si ademas sus conocimientos en telecomunicaciones harian que pudieran interferir en todas las señales de TV y radio en el mundo sin interferencia alguna xD
nimodo de que llegaran hasta aca pa decir eso con tanta interferencia en un noticiero de la BBC jajajaja:chavo:
aqui pa la bandita que sabe ingles ahi les va que ya probaron que fue un humano el que hizo el desmadrito....
I remember it and it has been "found" (a long time ago). It was a hoax. It had been done by a human. No real extraterrestrials were hurt in the preparation of the hoax.

The original hoax was on IBA (not BBC) at 5:10 PM on 26 November 1977.

In those days, signals broadcast on TV transmitters were fed to the transmitter by landlines. The transmitter involved in the hoax was one of the rare transmitters that received its signal in the form of UHF radio waves. Thus, it was possible, using a local UHF transmitter, to overpower the system and force the antenna to broadcast an external signal instead.

Because UHF is line-of-sight only, the pirate transmitter had to be very close to the TV transmitter.

Only the sound was involved (not the picture).

The original message was something like:

"This is the voice of Asteron. I am an authorised representative of the Intergalactic Mission, and I have a message for the planet Earth. We are beginning to enter the period of Aquarius and there are many corrections which have to be made by Earth people. All your weapons of evil must be destroyed. You have only a short time to live to learn to live together in peace. You must live in peace... or leave the galaxy."

The "Age of Aquarius" is a purely Earth-centred event (it is when our Vernal Equinox enters the constellation of Aquarius -- something which would be totally irrelevant to the rest of the Galaxy).

Interrupting the UHF signal from the station required knowledge of how that particular transmitter worked. If it had really been all-powerful aliens (capable of threatening us with being expelled from the Galaxy), they would have used their own transmitter to swamp all TV receivers.

Therefore, the message was composed by an earthling.


A similar incident occurred ten years later (on November 22, 1987) in the USA, but it did not pretend to come from aliens, therefore no one talks about it.

Quoted from source:

On Saturday, the 26th of November, 1977 at around 5.10 pm, broadcasts from this transmitter were hi-jacked by unknown agents who blocked the UHF audio signal of transmissions from the then local ITV station Southern Television and broadcast their own audio message, purporting to be from Vrillon, an alien from an instititution calling itself the Ashtar Galactic Command. The message, transmitted over an ITN News bulletin and a subsequent Merrie Melodies cartoon, lasted six minutes.
es un mensaje muy general, realmente no dice anda ke no digan los profetas de ke tanto hablan
pues quien sabe compadrito pero creo que es fake pero esta imteresante