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Bovino Milenario
2 Ene 2006

You can access, view and edit your Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint documents from virtually anywhere. Documents look like the originals, thanks to support for charts, animations, SmartArt graphics and shapes. When you make quick edits or add comments to a document, the formatting and content remain intact.
Access documents from virtually anywhere:
* Cloud – With your phone, you can access Office
documents that are stored on SkyDrive, SkyDrive Pro, or SharePoint.**
* Recent Documents – Office Mobile is cloud-connected. The documents you’ve recently viewed on your computer are readily available on your phone in the recent documents panel.
* Email Attachments – You can view and edit Office documents attached to email messages.
Office documents look stunning:
* Great-Looking Documents - Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents look great on your phone, thanks to support for charts, animations, SmartArt Graphics, and shapes.
* Optimized for phone - Word, Excel and PowerPoint have been optimized for the small screen of your phone.
* Resume Reading - When opening a Word document from SkyDrive or SkyDrive Pro on your phone, it automatically resumes at the place where you left off reading, even if you last viewed the document on your PC or tablet.
* Presentation Views - The Slide Navigator view in PowerPoint lets you browse slides faster, while speaker notes help you practice your presentation.
Make quick edits and share:
* Edit - You can make quick edits to Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents.
* Documents Remain Intact - Formatting and content remain intact when you edit Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents on your phone.
* Edit While Offline - Your device doesn’t have to be continuously connected to the network to work on an Office document that is stored online. You can view and edit recently used documents even while you’re offline. Your changes will be saved online when your device reconnects to the network or to Wi-Fi.
* Create – You can create new Word and Excel documents on your phone.
* Comments - You can review comments that have been made in Word and Excel documents on your phone and add your own comments.
* Share - When you’re done with your edits or comments, simply send the document in email or save it to SkyDrive or SharePoint.

For more information, please visit http://www.office.com/mobile
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, documents, OneNote, SkyDrive, SharePoint, spreadsheet, presentation, Office 365

This app has NO advertisements

1. Instalar
2. Logueate en tu cuenta Microsoft
3. Office Mobile esta activado, no necesita suscripcion


.apk: https://mega.co.nz/#!vZQmFC6Y!RtsGMhNUEF9dtBaBOr-Jeh_-qhUb9Jl-ERdNJnMlHDg
Gracias por el aporte, abrio sin problemas y esta activado pero no abre excel
Gracias por el aporte, me pasó lo mismo, excel no abre, y se cierra la aplicacion, pero mil gracias por el aporte
Al parecer es para Android 4.x o superior, alguien puede comentar al respecto??
yo lo instale en un galaxy s advance con jelly bean 4.1.2 y me dió problemas con excel ya que me cierra la app. las demas funciones (word, ppt) excelente
muchisimas gracias, lo bajé y lo probé en mi nexus 7 2013 con android 4.3 pero desgraciadamente me cerro la aplicación y en solo una ocasión abril el power point pero despues lo cerro, de todos mudos muchas gracias te agradesco tu aporte.
se me cierra el excel y el word al querer abrirlos aguien sabe como solucionarlo?