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Registrándote como bakuno podrás publicar, compartir y comunicarte en privado con otros bakuos :D
Regístrame ya!En efecto hasta ayer funcionaba perfecto...sera que telcel se dio cuenta de los puertos?amigos ya no lo intenten asta el dia de ayer dejo de funcionar telcel a cerrado el puerto 9200 habra que esperar a ver si lo vuelve a habrir o de plano permanecer cerrado como paso con el puerto 53
Al parecer droid vpn tuvo unos desperfectos el dia de ayer, miren lo que recibi en mi correo:
Server Downtime - June 3, 2013
Our authentication servers crashed 12 hours ago which prevented everyone from logging in to our VPN servers. It was restored just a moment ago by our provider. Our host is still investigating what caused the server to crashed.
We are sincerely sorry for what happened. In exchange for the inconvenience we are going to extend all premium account holders for an additional 2 days for the 12 hours downtime of our servers.
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Our website is now mobile friendly!
On june 1, 2013 we released a new design for our website which can now be viewed properly on mobile browsers. Our last design was not optimized for mobile browsers. Before you may need to zoom in or zoom out and then scroll horizontally if you want to view our website. But now with our new responsive design, our website will now automatically resize and display all the necessary information depending on the size and capabilities of your browser.
Our next goal is to finally release the redesigned UI of DroidVPN. We still do not have any ETA but I promise that it will be really soon.
sera cosa de esperar.