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Gobierno Bulgaro declara tener contacto con ET's

  • Autor de tema Autor de tema Orhan
  • Fecha de inicio Fecha de inicio
tremendo que periodicos como el universal que presumen de serios se presten a estas charlatanerias.
hermano este tema lo hemos estado tratando apenas hace un dia

me parece que esta en la 1era pagina aun de este sub foro

Este tema esta repetido en este subforo, seria bueno que lo unieran, ademas en el otro post se discute un poco mas a fondo.
Como les habia dicho escribi a gente de Bulgaria, desde el Directror, Filipov y otra gente que encontre en el directorio, les dejo lo que me ha llegado.

Primero, efectivamente no es una actividad del gobierno Bulgaro ni de la Academia Bulgara de Ciencias. Responde a inquietudes personales de Filipov, un hobby como les adelantaba en mis post.

Open Letter
Dear colleagues,
I understand Your great interest in the themes “Extraterrestrial Mind” . It why I want first to clarify , through attached by me written conclusion, that leaked in the media is a highly the deflected. I understand that journalists should be fed , but with this information should not joke. Here it is perhaps the offered hand to earth residents. The conclusion that and relegate , has firmly told that after a full analysis to be published. A regret some of the members of the group of commercial considerations decided to wins on the results. I am scientist and I think that where in one survey has planted something very essential , must wait some times to check and then to be applied.
First of all I want to emphasize that these studies have nothing to do with Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , even more with Space Research Institute, these are personal interests.
And , now of the problem. We have information environment and we receive from it some information. Should it must be investigated and, for which will be necessary to organize group or some kind of organization to take on this task. My country unfortunately does not become , since lose interest
Is of very high level.This is proved by the reaction of my research. But to those results to be applied in the future and for them to receive more , will have very sharp upturn in the behavior of humanity. If we prove that they are “offered hand” , it how will we guarantee that it will not be taken against other people, and even against source. The creation of a center for analysis of information of this type of information and promoting among the states would catalyzed and accelerated processes of a consolidation of human civilization. Only then, if this is information from “Extraterrestrial common” sense it will be provided with the practical and importance.
Then my statement I think that you understand me correctly.
With respect
Prof. Lachezar Filipov


Prof. Lachezar FILIPOV
Space Research Institute
Deputy Director on International and National Activities
Secretary of Interdepartmental Commission on Space Research of Council of Ministers
Head of Astrophysical and Synergetic Department
6 Moskovska Str.
P.O. Box 799
1000 Sofia
Tel.: +359 878 705422;
+359 2 979 34 22
Fax +359 2 981 33 47

Y este, otro correo interesante en una como lista de correo que se a formado al rededor del tema.

#yiv1886845078 .hmmessage P { PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:0px;PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;MARGIN:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;} #yiv1886845078 { FONT-SIZE:10pt;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;} Dear Professor Filipov

I am writing to you with thanks for including me on your exchange list. When I first wrote to you I urged you to look at my information contained on my Youtube page relating to crop circles and similar materials.

I would note to you that whilst I am a human circlemaker and confident that I know for certain that nearly all (yes all) circles are made by people that this is not the important point relating to crop circles. The issue of where crop circles come from has long been argued on a science point of view however it is clear that from the crop circle research community there has been a lot of problematic areas of factual research. Firstly there are a lot of persons who are claiming expert knowledge backgrounds like Prof Michael Glickman who is infact not a professor and Dr Levengood who is infact not a doctor. This type of fake credentials is destroying credibility in the so called research that has been done. Since our exposure of the fact that these people have faked their credentials they have now stopped using them, but their research work is still taken seriously by those who claim that professional fakery of this kind is irrelevant. I feel it is seriously dangerous to fake professional credentials.

Take for example "blown nodes" research done by Mr Levengood. This study concludes that microwave damage has caused the plants to literally explode from the inside. Why has this work not been taken seriously by other bio-physicists. The answer is simple. The blown nodes are nothing more than natural plant effects from an effect called Phototropism where a plant grows towards the light. The knuckles (nodes) where the plant bends becomes stretched and splits open and then the fluid of the plant leaks out and turns black. The fluid is described as a yeast like substance. All of these facts have been investigated by an independent science team from Italy who I can put you in touch with if you wish to learn more facts.

The origin of the circles being human should not be in question. Stories of circles appearing in daylight are silly and I have gone a long way to explain why these stories have occurred. I think there are a lot of crazy people who get attracted to the subject of crop circles because of the "significant" concept that if made by Aliens then this must be significant. When you add easily swayed or imaginative people into the mix of perception of circles or potential misinterpretation of events such as seeing a UFO then a crop circle appears, then people will tend to entangle these events together and connect them when infact they are separate events. People will tend to say "the crop circle was made by the UFO" when no evidence exists to link the two as anything other than separate events. There are real charlatans who regularly create "UFOs were seen making the crop circle" stories and we know who these culprits are and how they operate. Hopefully you will learn to quickly discard these people from your research.

One of the areas of interest I do hold credit in is that the human circlemakers have had strange events take place whilst making circles. These events include seeing balls of light come into the areas where we are making circles. We have had telepathic intuitions to do certain designs which have significance to other people who have either predicted the circles appearance or been meditating asking for these specific shapes to appear. Circlemakers have then felt empowered to go out and do these designs. So in this area only I would say there is a real and direct interactive phenomena taking place. Being a circlemaker I am very much able to state that most researchers into the subject are very unawilling to take on board the possibility that the human circlemakers are infact acting as a conduit for circle design ideas as the believers are very much wanting the circles to come directly from the hands and feet of aliens or by being etched into the fields by some for of laser or plasma device. The reality that it is humans doing the designs but perhaps guided in some way from an unknown idea source is something that is very much hated by believer researchers. The fact that most researchers will not speak to circlemakers and deny their very existence is proof of a religious type belief system in place and at work to cover up the truth of who is making the circles.

I would put it to you that there is a very easy way to see if what I am saying is true and that we create the biggest and the best circles out there and that is to not be swayed by opinions or conjecture on the subject but to apply the rigid scientific principle and see if a result can be duplicated. This is the essence of science and cannot be ignored. So what I would suggest to you is that you employ our services potentially free of charge to create circles for you as a demonstration of our capabilities. Then you must sit back and say nothing to anyone involved in circles research (so as to not colour their opinions) and watch how the crop circles research community reacts to the circles we have just created and you will then know that it is us that are the true authors of the crop circles. You will get to witness how stories of UFOs being seen when the circles are created or that the circles were not present early in the morning and then magically appeared in 10 minutes, all the usual nonsense. However you having been present to witness the creation will mean that you are 100% sure that these stories are always generated by man made circles. You will soon come to ally yourself with us and the truth. Only if you are an inside participant in seeing circles created will you get to know how such stories and Chinese whispers will create major hype and hysteria and resulting stories will follow. It will be very useful for you to see fully how this myth creation mechanism works.

You will find that many researchers in the crop circle world will try their best to convince you not to work with us. Why? The answer is simple they fear you being convinced by us and they wish to steer you away from the simple truths and entwine you in myths and unanswerable mysteries. This is not science it is belief and should take no place in the work I am sure you are trying to do, which I hope is finding out answers and presenting the truth.

Religious blind beliefs which deny the ultimate truths should have no place in a scientific enquiry into the crop circles and if you are serious about finding out the answers then I can help you and also put you in touch with many science based researchers who over the years have changed their minds to know that humans make the circles after working with us. I feel it would be a crime to not give you the opportunity to start off on the correct foot and not get steered into a path of religious dogma belief that circles arrive via spacecraft and aliens. The true deeper meaning of how human circlemakers get their inspiration and how circles researchers are also getting their ideas of which circles may appear is the real UNTOLD STORY which needs exposure. Sadly I think not many people want to know the truth. I find that the truth we put forward is often overlooked because people want circles to be 100% alien and this is a powerful force of belief you will find yourself fighting against. If you declare your friendship or even wish to work with circlemakers you should understand that many in the research community will disown you and will refuse to have contact with you! Trust me you are better saying nothing about working with us. They will turn on you like rabid dogs if they know you plan to work with us. This should tell you something of the truth of which I speak if nothing else.

The circlemakers are happy to work with a man of your standing to help you not get fooled by the bad research that exists out there.

Yours sincerely

Matthew Williams
te la jugaste hermano

con tiempo leerw la misiva, te agradezco el tiempo que pusiste en esto

tengo una tremenda curiosidad por saber
bueno, yo voy a citar a Blanck en otro foro con respecto al mismo comunicado. (exactamente la misma informacion que aparece aqui)

Este comunicado no es del gobierno Búlgaro, sino de un "científico". Es mas, muchos medios de comunicación tienen como titular: Científicos búlgaros aseguran haber establecido contactos con extraterrestres y se encuentran trabajando en un cuestionario que serviría para mejorar la comunicación

El problema es que este pseudocientífico trabaja para una institución pública, y si dice cualquier idiotez, dicha burrada es atribuida como un comunicado oficial o algo verdadero, cosa que no tiene por que ser así.

Pasando por alto las incoherencias y la falta de pruebas que muestra para dicho comunicado, ¿por que la semana pasada el tema dio lugar a un acalorado debate entre el Ministro de Finanzas de Bulgaria, Simeon Djankov, y el Presidente Georgi Parvanov si se supone que el gobierno Búlgaro acepta dicho comunicado como oficial?... MmMm Me huele a que alguien quiere vivir de la economía del estado durante unos cuantos años sin dar palo al agua…

Por cierto, acabo de encontrar información respecto al tema que sé, nos aclarara mucho más las cosas para algunos cuantos. Antes de empezar, conozcamos a Mariana Vezneva que se describe augráficamente de la siguiente manera:

Desde mi infancia me ha atraído todo lo extraordinario, misterioso y extrasensorial. La mayoría de mis familiares han sido videntes o han tenido habilidades de curación, de predicción de la fortuna y también han demostrado la capacidad de la telepatía.

El gran cambio en mi conciencia que me marcó para toda la vida me vino en 1981. Tuve un sueño en el que aparecían tres personas: dos hombres y una mujer. Estaban vestidos de blanco e irradiaban luz. Uno de ellos me besó la frente entre las cejas. Cerré los ojos. En un primer momento un esbozo de un ojo apareció. Entonces, el párpado se movió. El ojo comenzó a brillar como una pantalla de televisión, en el que las imágenes y las fotos aparecieron.

Mirad esta entrevista que ha aparecido el día 26 en la revista Novinar de Bulgaria. La traducción de Google deja mucho que desear, pero no se búlgaro. Os extraigo alguno de los puntos más interesantes:

Lachezar Filipov nació el 26 de enero de 1953. Se graduó en el Departamento de Física de la Universidad de Moscú. Desde 1995 fue director adjunto del Instituto de Investigaciones Espaciales, BAS. Hace dos días hizo escandalizó al público por una publicación en "Новинар", en la que se decía que presuntamente estuvo involucrado en un experimento con inteligencias extraterrestres.

Entrevistador: ¿En que consistía el experimento?

Lachezan: En primer lugar quiero destacar que ni el Instituto de Estudios Espaciales, ni de Ciencias han participado en la investigación sobre estos círculos de cereales (Ósea que esto era un hobby). Hace tres años me ofrecieron unirme a las investigaciones de Mariana Vezneva. Se cree que fue la primera y única hasta ahora en el mundo que logró descifrar la información en los círculos de los cultivos, y la única que puede entablar un diálogo con sus creadores. Estos círculos aparecen en todo el mundo, periódicamente. Este año, entre mayo y junio se produjeron alrededor de 150 en toda la tierra. Incluso en Bulgaria había esos círculos en los campos de trigo en Dobrudja y Rila, pero oficialmente se ha decidido hacer caso omiso de los mismos. Alrededor de Vezneva hay todo un grupo de médicos, lingüistas, una extraña sociedad que se ocupa del tema. Eso no me importaba. Me explicó que había estado trabajando con los crop circles por 6 o 7 años, y encontró que contenían información codificada. Se dice que hay uno que marca el inicio del fin del mundo en 2012, los peligros del calentamiento global y la amenaza de impacto de un asteroide. Estas son cosas conocidas por la ciencia. Me di cuenta de que sus ideas se convirtieron en buque insignia de varias sectas, que anunciaban el apocalipsis. Esto me motivó a participar en este "juego". Al final del año pasado Vezneva les hizo varias preguntas a los creadores de estos círculos. Hemos obtenido 30 respuestas a ellos.

¿Cómo establece Vezneva contacto con esos seres?

No lo tengo demasiado claro. Cae en un trance, recibe impulsos desde arriba o desde abajo, no lo sé. Cuando está en ese trance tiene la capacidad de interpretar los símbolos de los crop circles. Uno de estos símbolos representaba la cabeza de un indio, que simboliza el cataclismo predicho por los mayas, Otra muy interesante simboliza un niño en cristal, que significa que el método de concepción in-vitro es inaceptable. (…)

En fin… Creo que no hace falta decir mucho más. Lo importante que hay que resaltar es que la Academia Búlgara de Ciencias no tiene nada que ver.
Mmm, no creo que de verdad lo tenga... pero en fin, a ver si sigo vivo pa' conocer a uno.
Bueno hasta el momento es muy confuso todo. No he encontrado informacion que desmienta o afirme el asunto

Gracias hermano...

Si no hay objecion por los demas compañeros el tema se queda pues se aportaro distintas fuentes, esperemos salga mas informacion...


Pd. A la otra traigase el link de donde saco el texto. ;)
Una segunda version de la carta en la que Filipov desmarca al BAS

From: Lachezar Filipov
To: _ór gunnlaugsson ; Aaron James ; Albena Staneva ; Alejándro Rodríguez Martínez ; Alex - ; alexandr.l@email.cz ; Ananda Bosman ; Andreas Müller ; bishwajeet singh ; Bora Sarac ; Boris Petrovic ; Branislav Nedic ; Bright Vibe ; Cameron Henderson ; D. Eklund ; Darren Thorn ; Edo Markovinović ; Elisa França ; Filipe Tessaro ; Georgi Atanasov ; gianluca rampini ; Gleeson, Nick (Genworth, Contractor) ; GUSTAVO LEZAMA ; Hajo Engelke ; jadczyk@cict.fr ; Jerry Wills ; jonothon Boulter ; Jose Americo ; Jose Luis Lopez-Bonilla ; Jose Schott ; Juan G. Sanchez Paredes ; JULIE FRANCIS ; Kari Välimaa ; Kelly, Cathal ; Linda Moulton Howe ; magnus rawstron ; Manjeet Kulkarni ; Maria Petrova ; Matthew Williams ; maxime pradines ; Moira Feehily ; Nina Simeonova ; R S ; rbbgraham@aol.co.uk ; Redazione La Valle ; relinquish ; Rick Buggy ; rob mcvarish ; SeanPaul White ; Stanimir Petrov ; Stefka Nedevska ; Steve Woods ; SubHeaven ; Svetlana Tilkova - Alena ; Tapani Koivula ; Theo ; Tiia Rohelsaar ; tim-schuenemann@t-online.de ; Ufoguy ; UNIST Ex. ; Viktoriya Popova ; Visions ; Vladimir S ; Ирина Пашалиева
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 8:05 AM
Subject: Second Edition-Crop Circles Open Letter

Second Edition-English Corected


To Whom It May Concern:

The last few weeks have been a period of unprecedented (at least for me), aggressive, extremely distorted and ill-intended speculation following a statement I had made in front of some representatives of the Bulgarian media (e.g. The ‘Novinar’ newspaper). This statement, although not of my initiative concerned an experiment, led by me, which intended to examine a number of images (‘pictograms’) from the so called ‘Crop Circles’, whose existence is well documented all around the world. The experiment was carried out by a group of researchers, led by me and the results obtained were the basis for the conclusions and recommendations I made as the Head of this team. These conclusions and recommendations are the core of this open letter. Unfortunately, they also became the lightning rode for the great misconception, misunderstanding and hysteria I have ‘enjoyed’ in the last while from the Bulgarian and international media, co-workers and alike. Needless to say that I deeply regret all this as the intention was utterly different, particularly considering the fact that I have stated and state in the strongest and most categorical terms that this study is the result of my personal scientific interest and does not represent by any means nor has been done with the knowledge or support of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences or the Institute for Space Research, where I happened to work. In this regard I sincerely regret that the name of these institutions was used in such irresponsible way by the media. I understand that journalists ‘have to eat’, but the subject discussed is a very serious matter and any information about it has to be deal handled in the utmost responsible manner.

I can appreciate your great interest in the topic of ‘Extra-terrestrial Intelligence’. From the enclosed “Conclusions and Recommendations” it could be seen that what was reported in the press and frantically broadcasted elsewhere has been extremely distorted, to say the least. What is important to take from our experiment and the existing ‘Crop Circles’ is that they are a friendly attempt for a contact with the mankind. Why friendly? For one, our analysis and results indicate this. On the other hand, why not – history shows that the thinking in negative terms hasn’t led us to many great things and achievements. In the ‘Conclusions’ it has been categorically stated that “Only after the completion of the fundamental analysis of the information and confirmation of its reliability, may this information be released to the public at large and the mass-media.” To my great chagrin some individuals from the group conducting the experiment, were driven by mercantile agenda and had tried to profit from the results obtained. I am first and for most, a scientist and I believe that the results from any experiment, and especially when it concerns a matter of such utmost importance and significance, must be carefully examined and validated by all possible means before being made public.

But what is all this about? There is information medium, from which we receive information. This information needs carefully and in the most responsible manner to be analysed. To do so a group should be formed, which would undertake this task. In Bulgaria apparently and unfortunately at the present time this cannot be done considering what has happened in the last few weeks. In order for such study to being carried on and to be possible to apply the results obtained a drastic and fundamental change in the Behaviour of mankind must take place. Should it be proven that the ‘Crop Circles’ are an invitation for a contact then how could we ensure that the information received would not go against other human beings or even the source of this information itself. I am aware that I am not the only one being interested in this or willing to work for it, but I think it is about time for the creation of a Centre for the analyses of such type of information and its dissemination worldwide could serve as a catalyst for the consolidation of our human civilization. Only then should this information be of ‘Extra-terrestrial Intelligence’ origin, it would be made available to us together with its practical applications.

I hope I have adequately been able to convey to you my thoughts and understanding of this matter.


Prof. Lachezar Filipov, PhD
Head Astrophysics and Synergetic


Prof. Lachezar FILIPOV
Space Research Institute
Deputy Director on International and National Activities
Head of Astrophysical and Synergetic Department
6 Moskovska Str.
P.O. Box 799
1000 Sofia
Tel.: +359 878 705422; +359 2 979 34 22
Fax +359 2 981 33 47

La fuente es mi correo.

La cosa es que yo puedo decir que creo en fantasmas y entablo comunicacion con espiritus del mas alla, el que yo este en la UNAM en el Instituto de Biología, de ninguna manera hace que mis afirmaciones personales esten avaladas por la institución. Asi de fácil.

Les dije, esto iba a caer por su propio peso
Desde que alguien mencionó que dicho instituto estuvo envuelto en un escánadalo y al borde de la clausura, lo consideré un fraude creado para redimir su popularidad y así evitar el asunto.
pss creo que todos quisieramos que fuera real y tener contacto, pero psss no hay nada, y hasta no ver no creer
na... no creo que sea cierto... y si es cierto pues Bulgaria será la próxima potencia mundial por el apoyo que le darán nuestros amigos extraterrestres