Y entre las noticias chuscas de la semana
Como si en verdad pudiera hacerse algo así... es como si alguien blindara un estado para que éste no aceptara que los esclavos son libres...
Decisión basada en un estudio de un psicólogo estadounidense...
Al rato van a querer adoptar la postura sureña y van a declarar la secesión de México...
"Estados Confederados anti-Gay..."
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Diputado panista blindará a Querétaro de parejas homosexuales[/FONT]
Querétaro, 5 Agosto 10.- En rueda de prensa el diputado Salvador Martínez Ortiz, presidente de la comisión de la
Familia del Congreso local, informó que buscará blindar al estado de Querétaro para que las
parejas homosexuales no puedan adoptar niños queretanos.
"Ya tenemos lista una reforma legal que impida que los efectos de la reforma en el D.F se reproduzcan en Querétaro, misma que será presentada cuando se resuelva por parte de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. Este mecanismo se trata de crear un candado al código civil que impida en nuestro estado la adopción de menores a parejas homosexuales, reservando en consecuencia esta posibilidad de adoptar a las parejas homosexuales", indicó.
La reforma consistirá en establecer en la ley queretana que la posibilidad de adopción será únicamente para los matrimonios conformados por un hombre y una
"Este candado a la adopción por parejas homosexuales se materializaría por medio de una reforma al artículo 377 del Código Civil del Estado de Querétaro, en el cual se establecerá claramente la posibilidad de adopción únicamente para los matrimonio conformados por hombre y
mujer", refirió.
El diputado del PAN argumentó que sus bases para impulsar estos candados legales se basan en un estudio realizado en los Estados Unidos en el que se sostiene que las parejas homosexuales son más inestables y los niños que sean adoptados por ellos serán más propensos al estrés.
"Es importante destacar que uno de los textos que están siendo analizados por los ministros para evaluar la conveniencia o inconveniencia de este tipo de adopción es el Estudio sobre paternidad y adopción homosexual del profesor
George A. Rekers, el cual fue emitido por la Corte de Florida como evidencia y prueba objetiva para prohibir la adopción a parejas homosexuales", sostuvo.
No obstante el legislador panista prometió que, una vez que la SCJN dé su fallo al respecto de los matrimonios homosexuales, en el congreso local se abrirán audiencias públicas para saber lo que la sociedad opina al respecto de esta situación.
Diario Rotativo de Querétaro
Resulta ser que este señor es toda una fichita. Si bien tiene un doctorado en psicología, el muy honorable señor profesor es ministro bautista. Por supuesto que su postura debería estar en contra de la homosexualidad, todos sabemos que la homosexualidad es una aberración contra dios(solo pregúntenle al amado cardenal Rivera Carrera), además es sureño y republicano, aunque eso no es lo importante. Resulta que el ministro psicólgo anti-gay resulto ser gay de closet:
George Rekers, Anti-Gay Activist, Caught With Male Escort 'Rentboy' [UPDATE: Escort Says Rekers Is Gay]
Updated below...
George Alan Rekers, a prominent anti-gay activist who co-founded the conservative Family Research Council,
was caught returning from a 10-day trip to Europe with a male escort he found on Rentboy.com, which is exactly what it sounds like.
UPDATE: The escort
now says Rekers is indeed gay, and that Rekers paid him to perform daily nude body rubs during their European jaunt. "It's a situation where he's going against homosexuality when he is a homosexual," the young man told the New Times, adding that Rekers -- who repeatedly asked for a move he dubbed "The Long Stroke" -- ought to divorce himself from his many anti-gay associations.
Rekers has a new explanation for the trip. "I deliberately spend time with sinners with the loving goal to try to help them," he said
in a statement posted on Facebook.
The Miami New Times promises more details and a profile of the escort, whom they codenamed "Lucien" but whose identity
has been revealed elsewhere.]
Not to worry, Rekers
told the Miami New Times, which broke the story: He claims he learned his 20-year-old companion was a prostitute only midway through their trip, they had no intimate contact, and he hired the young man only because recent surgery means "I can't lift luggage."
This seems highly dubious, not least because
the New Times reporters spotted the retired professor pushing his baggage cart through Miami International Airport. It would be extremely difficult to stumble upon
the Rentboy.com homepage, which features young well-muscled men rubbing each other's crotches on grainy video loops, and not figure out what the site means by "rent boy."
Story continues below
The site's pages aren't indexed by Google, either, so we'll need to take the New Times' word for it that the profile page for Rekers' escort advertised his "smooth, sweet, tight ass" and "perfectly built 8 inch cock." The young man denied that he and Rekers had sex, but he did confirm that they met via his Rentboy profile.
With the scandal flaring in the wake of the New Times expose, Rekers
published a statement on his personal website that decries the story's "misleading innuendo." He confuses libel with slander, but he doesn't deny any specific element of the story, only repeating his claim that he needed help carrying luggage and averring that family and friends will back that claim.
Rekers, who is also a professor emeritus of neuropsychiatry at the University of South Carolina and a Baptist minister, recently testifed against gay adoption in Florida, where he resides.
Raw Story flagged a particularly jarring article in which he claims that children adopted by gay couples
are more likely to commit suicide.
The retired professor has remained far less high-profile than his Family Research Council co-founder James Dobson, but he is an extremely prolific author of books like
Who Am I? Lord and
Growing Up Straight: What Families Should Know About Homosexuality. He has also advised members of Congress, the White House, and the Department of Health and Human Services, according to
the New Times story, which is worth reading in its entirety.
Top anti-gay Christian activist and minister, George Alan Rekers, linked to gay escort
Neil Nagraj
Wednesday, May 5th 2010, 12:18 PM
Baptist minister George Alan Rekers reportedly was spotted leaving Miami International Airport on April 13 with a 20-year-old he met on a gay escort site.
A "general" for the Christian right -- and vocal advocate for gay-to-straight conversion-therapy -- has been accused of gallivanting around
Europe with a gay hooker.
Baptist minister George Alan Rekers, a co-founder in 1983 with
James Dobson of the right-wing
Family Research Council, was spotted leaving
Miami International Airport on April 13 with a 20-year-old he met on a gay escort site,
the Miami New Times reports.
Contacted by the newspaper, Rekers claimed he was ignorant of his traveling companion's profession when he hired him to accompany him on a 10-day European vacation.
"I had surgery," Rekers told the
Miami New Times, "and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him."
He allegedly maintained he learned he was traveling with a prostitute halfway through their trip, but did not deny he'd met the man on Rentboy.com, a Web site for connecting gay escorts with clients, the Miami New Times reports.
The escort's Rentboy.com profile describes him as "sensual" and "up for anything," and offers a graphic description of his genitals, according to the paper.
When approached, the escort -- called "Lucien" by the paper -- was reportedly shocked when told Rekers denied knowing he was a sex worker.
"He should've been able to tell you that," he told the newspaper. "But that's up to him."
Both men reportedly denied having sex on the trip.
Rekers’ name has since been removed from the Family Research Council's Web site,
according to the blog joe.my.god.
The Family Research Council describes itself as an advocacy group championing "marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society."
claims on his Web site to have been a fixture in
Washington for decades, advising on child welfare to both the
White House and Congress.
He also is a board member of NARTH, a group that argues homosexual desires can be "cured" with therapy, and the author of "Growing Up Straight: What Families Should Know About Homosexuality."
In a Facebook interview with joe.my.god, Rekers maintained he was simply trying to spread a message of love to "Lucien."
"I seek to lovingly share two types of messages to them [homosexuals], as I did with the young man called 'Lucien' in the news story: [1] It is possible to cease homosexual practices to avoid the unacceptable health risks associated with that behavior, and [2] the most important decision one can make is to establish a relationship with God for all eternity by trusting in
Jesus Christ?a>??s sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, including homosexual sins," he allegedly wrote.
Parece ser que nuestro estimado diputado se le ha olvidado actualizarse, ¿usar el odio de un gay que odia a los gays como argumento? Eso solo tiene un nombre...
P.D. En cuanto pueda, traduzco la información...
No las cita porque no existen, y si existen seguramente es de uno de esos grupos fundamentalistas afiliados a la jerarquía cristiana. Por otro lado, pareciera que vivir en la pobreza y huérfanos no les causa estrés a los niños.
No, el estudio existe y el profesor usó sus conocimientos de uno de sus doctorados para ello...
Lo malo es que parece haber usado sus conocimientos del doctorado en teología que posee por parte de la Universidad de Sud-Africa...