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Aplicaciones y Juegos Android Pagas 100% [Mega Pack 2]


27 Oct 2011
MegaPack Aplicaciones y Juegos Android actualizados a Diciembre de 2011​


Tamaño 2,69GB | formato .rar | formato de las apps y games .apk | pass NO​

Contenido del pack:

Aplicaciones (Apps):

a 3D Dancing Android Boy v2.0.0
a 7 Widgets Home Plus v.10
a 7 Widgets Media Plus v1.0
a 7 Widgets Organize Plus v1.0
a 5001 Amazing Facts v2.6
a Absolute System Root Tool v1.6.4 ROOT REQ
a Absolute System Root Tool v1.6.5 ROOT REQ
a Advanced Bubble Level Pro v1.6
a Advanced Clock Widget Pro v0.54
a Advanced Facebook v3.6.10
a Advanced Facebook v3.6.11
a Advanced Task Manager v5.30a Ambling BookPlayer Personal v2.07
a AnDrawing Pro v2.3.0
a AnDrawing PRO v2.4.0
a Android Agenda Widget Plus v1.5.7
a Android Audio Profile v1.20
a Android Control Panel v3.3.4
a Android hacker's tool system v3.3.3 ROOT REQ
a Android Photo Widget v1.43
a Animated Weather Widget&Clock Pro v2.5.0
a Animated Weather Widget&Clock Pro v2.6.0
a Animated Widget Contact Launch v1.2.0
a aniPet Aquarium Live Wallpaper v2.4.0
a aniPet Bloom Live Wallpaper v1.1.2
a anMoney (
a apMemo - Quick Notes v1.1.8
a App Protector Pro v1.62
a App Update Notifier - DONATE v0.4.0
a Applanet (2.7.8)
a Applanet (2.7.3)
a Aquarium Donation L. Wallpaper v2.3
a aTAKEphONE contact dialer v1.45.001
a AudioManager Pro (2.1.3)
a AudioManager Pro v2.1.3
a Autodesk SketchBook® Mobile v1.10
a AVG antivirus Pro (2.5)
a Baby ESP v1.3.0.7
a Baptizer v1.0
a Battery Doctor pro v1.6.2
a Beautiful Widgets (3.3.6)
a Beautiful Widgets (3.3.8)
a Beautiful Widgets (3.3.2)
a Beautiful Widgets (3.3.4)
a BeejiveIM v2.0.1
a Better Keyboard (8.4.1)
a Better Keyboard 8 v8.4.1
a Better Keyboard UNLOCK KEY
a Better Keyboard Unlocker (Unlock key 1.0)
a Better Terminal Emulator Pro v3.32
a Better Terminal Emulator Pro v3.33
a Bible Verses Live Wallpaper v1.1
a Browsix v1.9.0
a Bubbles live wallpaper
a CalenGoo v1.0.16
a Camera WiFi LiveStream v1.3.13
a Camera WiFi LiveStream v1.3.14
a Camera360 Ultimate (1.6.10)
a Camera360 Ultimate (1.5.10)
a CardioTrainer Pro v3.5.0 PRO KEY
a CardioTrainer Pro v3.5.0
a Chandroid browser (5.7.0)
a Chandroid v5.6.1
a Checkmark ToDo List Pro (4.0.3)
a CircleLauncher (1.5.7)
a CircleLauncher (1.5.6)
a CircleLauncher (1.5.5)
a Class Buddy Pro v1.30
a Clockr Evolution (Donate) v1.6.9
a Clutch Beta v1.3
a Collectorz Game App v1.0.3
a ColoredLines Live Wallpaper v1.0
a Concise Oxford English Dictionary 1.3.0
a Crazy Home (2.11)
a Crazy Home v.2.8
a DateStone Calendar v1.01
a Deluxe Moon v1.37
a Documents To Go v3.002
a Doggcatcher Podcast Player v1.1.1851
a Doggcatcher Podcast Player v1.1.1881
a DreamStreamoid Pro v0.81
a EasyMoney v1.6.3
a EasyRecover v2.6
a Electrum Drum Machine and Sampler v4.3.2
a Enhanced Email v1.10
a Evernote (2.6.1)
a eWeather HD Widget & Barometer v2.5.1
a Executive Assistant + v1.7.2
a Extended Controls (5.2.2)
a Extended Controls (5.2.3)
a Extensive Notes Pro v1.0.42
a Extensive Notes Pro v1.0.43
a Extreme Call Blocker Droid v23.7
a Fancy Widget Pro v1.0.6 PL1
a Fancy Widget Pro v1.0.7
a Fast Burst Camera v1.0.7
a File Cover v1.4.6g
a Fired Horse Live Wallpaper v2.5.0
a Fireflies Live Wallpaper v1.0.6
a Folder Organizer (3.2.11)
a Folder Organizer (3.2.10)
a Full Screen Caller ID (5.0.14)
a Full Screen Caller ID (5.0.10)
a Fun With Love v2.0
a Funny Photo v1.1
a Gentle Alarm (2.6.11)
a Gentle Alarm (2.6.9)
a Gentle Alarm (2.6.10)
a Ghost Radar v3.2.1
a Glow Live Wallpaper Donate
a GMail Label Notifier v0.9993
a GOTO v1.4.9.3
a GOTO v1.4.9.4
a GPS Phone Locating v1.2
a Grades- Student Organizer v2.6.4
a gReader Pro (Google Reader) (2.0.7)
a gReader Pro (Google Reader) v2.0.6
a Handcent SMS v3.7.2 (+ Emoji Plugin v1.1)
a Handcent SMS v3.7.3 (+ All Skins, Fonts, and Plug-ins)
a Honeycomb Boot Live Wallpaper (2.0)
a Honeycomb Clock v2.5
a HoneyComb Wall (Donate) v2.0.7
a HoneyComb Wall (Donate) v2.0.8
a iDisplay (1.0.21)
a iFitness v1.9
a iHandy Carpenter v1.1.7
a iKamasutra - Sex Positions v1.04
a IM Plus Pro v3.6
a Invisible Protector Pro (2.4.0)
a iSyncr for PC v1.6.6
a iTap Keyboard (1.1.00 EA)
a JEFIT Pro - Workout & Fitness v4.2.0209
a Journal - Orange Diary v1.18
a Launch-X Pro v1.7.1
a LavaBox v1.0.4
a Light Grid Pro (4.0.1)
a Light Grid Pro Live Wallpaper v4.0
a Liquid Face v2.3.0
a List Master Pro v2.0.7
a LockBot Pro (1.16.6)
a LockBot Pro (1.16.5)
a Manga Watcher Application (0.4.26FULL)
a Manga Watcher v0.4.21
a Manual of Lab & Diagnostic Tests v1.2.0
a Math Reference v5.7
a Medscape v1.02
a Metro UI Pro (1.4.4)
a Mini Info Pro v1.7.2 PRO KEY
a Mini Info Pro v1.7.2
a MLB.com At Bat 11 (1.0)
a Mobile Hidden Camera v2.0.245
a MobiReader BizCard & Docu OCR v1.0.3.2
a mooLa! Platinum Edition v2.5
a Moon+ Reader Pro v1.2.14
a MP3 Music Download (2.5.3)
a Multi Mount SD-Card v1.62 ROOT REQ
a MultiTasking Pro v1.28
a MultiTasking Pro v1.33
a MyBackup Pro v2.6.4
a MySettings Pro v1.9.0
a MySportTraining (1.3.4)
a NewsRob Pro v4.7.0 PRO KEY
a NewsRob Pro v4.7.0
a NewsRoom - RSS News Reader v2.0
a Nexus Revamped Pro LW (1.98.06)
a Nightfall Live Wallpaper Full v1.1
a OfficeSuite Professional v3.0.314
a OfficeSuite Viewer v1.5.282
a Open Home - Full v5.1.2
a Penetrate Pro v2.10
a Photaf 3D Panorama Pro v2.3.1
a Photaf 3D Panorama Pro v2.4.2
a Photo Enhance Pro (Hi-Res) v2.38
a Photoid PRO v3.5.0
a Photoid PRO v3.6.0
a PhotoWonder (1.0.0)
a Pixel Zombies Live Wallpaper v1.4.0
a Plume_Premium_Key_1.0
a PowerMax v1.0.4 KEY
a PowerMax v1.0.4
a PRO Zoom Camera 5X v2.10
a Profile Call Blocker v1.05
a PS3 Brew Pro v2.2
a PS3 Trophies PRO v3.1.0
a Pure Calendar widget (agenda) (2.4.5)
a Pure Calendar widget (agenda) (2.4.0)
a Pure Calendar Widget v2.4.4
a Pure Grid calendar widget v1.8.4
a Pure messenger widget (2.1.1)
a Pure messenger widget (2.0.8)
a Pure messenger widget (2.1.0)
a Pure music widget (1.2.5)
a Pure music widget (1.2.4)
a Quadrant Advanced v1.1.6
a Quick App Clean Cache v2.6.3
a Quickoffice HD v1.0.1
a Quickoffice Mobile Suite v3.3.74 - AM
a Radardroid Pro v2.23
a Radardroid Pro v2.25
a Rail Planner Live (1.6.7)
a Rain Alarm Pro OSM v3.0.7
a Rain Alarm Pro v3.0.6
a RealVNC VNC Viewer v1.0.2.54668
a Redialer v.
a Remote for iTunes v2.0.7
a Remote Web Desktop Donation v4.2.0
a Remote Web Desktop Donation v4.5.0
a RocketDial Pro v2.4.7
a RockPlayer Universal v1.6.3 FULL
a Root Explorer v2.13.4
a Router Keygen Donate v1.5.9
a Scanner Radio Pro (3.0)
a Screen Suite Lock Screen v2.2
a Seal v1.2.2
a SECuRET SpyCam v1.3.14
a Seek Droid v1.6.4
a Shazam (2.5.3-BB70303)
a Sign v2.3
a Sleep Now! v2.0.1
a Smart App Protector(app lock+) (2.1.7)
a Smart App Protector(app lock+) (2.0.8)
a Smart App Protector(app lock+) (2.1.3)
a Smart Taskbar Pro (sidebar) v1.0.3-1
a Smart Tools v1.2.4
a SoundHound 8 v2.4.2
a Spark 360 v3.00
a SportsTracker Pro v2.3.0
a Spy Phone v1.0.28
a Star Chart v1.6
a Star Chart v1.7
a Streaming repeater v1.1.1
a Stripper Girl Live Wallpaper v1.4
a Sunny Wallpapers v1.0
a Super Spy Camera+ v2.0
a Suspect X v1.0
a SwitchPro Widget 1.9.5
a SystemApp Remover (4.14) ROOT REQ
a SystemApp Remover (4.12) ROOT REQ
a TapeMachine v1.8.7
a Task Manager - Donate (6.1)
a Taskiller Full v3.4.5
a Test Phone Info Pro v1.0
a Theft Aware Full v2.0 build 1654
a Thinking Space Pro v2.16
a Thinking Space Professional v2.2.2
a Thumb Keyboard (2.9.3)
a Thumb Keyboard (Phone and Tablet) v2.9
a Titanium Backup Pro v3.6.8 ROOT REQ
a Titanium Backup Pro v3.7.2 ROOT REQ
a Todo.txt Touch v0.2
a Torque (1.4.6)
a Torque (1.4.1)
a Torque (1.4.5)
a Total Recall Call Recorder v1.6.3
a Touch Calendar v1.0.4
a Train Times UK (3.1.5)
a Trillian v1.0.0.164
a TV Shows Stream v2.3.2
a TV Shows Stream v2.4.1
a TweetCaster Pro v2.8
a TWIDROYD PRO for Twitter (5.0.1)
a TWIDROYD PRO for Twitter (5.0.2)
a Uloops Studio Pro v2.6.0
a Ultimate Guitar Tabs v1.3
a UltimateFavesPRO v2.9.5.1
a Videocam illusion Pro v1.0
a Vignette v2011-01-17.1
a Volume toggle PRO v2.0.6.1
a Walk and Text v1.3.7
a Water Drops LWP Optimus2x v1.0
a Weather & Toggle Widget v7.8
a WeatherBug Elite v2.5.288
a Weigh Weight EX v3.5.2
a WhoIsIt v2.3
a WiFi File Explorer PRO v1.1.16
a Windows Phone Android (1.3.1)
a XiiaLive [DroidLive] v2.1.6

Juegos (Games):

Angry Birds Ad-Free and Unlocker
Quake 3
Quake Platinum
1 vs 100 (2.3.4)
3D Cube Race (1.0.14)
3D Snow Rally City Stage (1.1)
4 Players Reactor (1.1)
4Ever Fall (1.6.1)
9 - The Mobile Game (1.0.0)
Abduction! World Attack (1.2.6)
Aevum Obscurum (1.0.4)
Ahoy Matey (2.0.5)
Air Attack (2.0)
Air Attack (2.3)
Air Control (1.07)
Air Control-v1.07
AirHockey (1.1.3)
Aliens vs. President (1.2.3)
Amazed 2 (2.0.09)
Amazed 2
American Idol
Android 1.5 and 1.6 DJ
Android Arcade Emulator (0.2.6)
Angry Birds_1.3.5_beta
AntiBody (1.8)
Antigen - Outbreak (1.0)
Anytime Pool (1.1)
Archipelago (1.14)
Are you smarter than a 5th Grader
Armadillo Roll (1.0.0)
Armageddon Squadron (1.0.6)
Armored Strike (1.32)
Armored Strike (1.991)
Asphalt 3
Asphalt 5 (3.0.8)
Asphalt v3.0.7
Assassins Creed
Astraware Sudoku (1.6.0)
AstroRaider (1.0.1033)
aTilt (1.0.4)
Attack of Zombie Politicians (1.0.0)
Aus Vs Eng Cricket Test Series 2009 (1.1.5)
AutoTrafego (1.6.0)
Backbreaker (1.0.0)
Backgammon (3.2.9)
BarTor (1.0.0)
Baseball Superstars 2009 (1.0.5)
Baseball Superstars 2009 (1.0.9)
Basket Ball for Android (1.2)
Battle for Mars (1.0.3)
Battle For Mars (1.0.16)
Battleship Pro (1.0)
Bazooka Rabbit (1.2.14) (demo)
BBD2-1.1_r5_GAND-signed (by D@nilYcH)BBD2-1.1_r5_GAND-signed (by D@nilYcH)
Beatdown Boxing (1.80)
Beatdown Boxing (1.82)
Bejeweled (4.31.90)
Big Range Hunt 2
Bingo Island Live (1.29.17)
BitBlocks (1.86)
BlackJack Pro (1.0.8)
BlackShark Siberia (1.17.0)
Blastosis Invasion (1.0)
Blastosis Invasion Lite (1.1)
Block Break Deluxe 2
Block Breaker Deluxe 2
Block Jam (1.6)
Blockhead (1.3.0)
Blow Up (1.1.7)
Blow Up (1.2.0)
Blow Up-v1.1.7
Bomberman Dojo (1.0)
Bonsai Blast (1.5)
Bonsai Blast (1.4)
Boomex! (1.0.0)
BrainChallenge - Gehirntraining (1.1.8)
BrainChallenge (1.1.5)
Break the Blocks
Bubble Bash (1.33)
Bubble Boom Challenge (1.0)
Bubble Burst Pro (2.1.1)
Bubble Defense 2 (2.04)
Bubble Defense-v2.04
Build a Lot (1.0.0)
Build a Lot (1.2.0)
Buka (2.7)
Buka (2.15)
Cake Mania - Celebrity Chef (1.0)
Caligo Chaser (1.0.3)
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 (1.0)
Carrom3D Pro (1.1.5 )
Cash Cow (1.0)
CastleGuard2 (2)
Chess for Android (1.5.6)
Chess Online (1.01)
Chessmaster (1.0.20)
Chinese Chess (1.0.5)
City Mayor (1.4)
Civ4 (0.0.2)
Cluedo (1.0.87)
Collapse (1.0)
Colorix (1.0.1)
Colorix (1.1.0)
Colorix HD (1.7)
ConnectToo (1.2)
Cricket T20 Super Sixers (1.0)
CrystalFour 3D (1.0.3)
Crystallight Defense (2.4.2)
Crystallight Defense (2.4.6)
Crystallight Defense-v2.4.6
CSI MIAMI (1.1.0)
CubicMan Deluxe (1.0.1)
Dactyl (0.9)
De Blob (1.0.20)
Deathride - Betrayal (1.10)
Defend Homeland (1.0.0)
Derek Jeter Pro Baseball 2009
Devilry Huntress (1.1.0)
Devilry Huntress (1.2.5)
Diamond Twister - for big screens only (1.0.4)
Diner Dash 2 (1.2.0)
Dock It
Dogz 2
Dogz2_HTC_G1_EN_IGP_GAND_TS_123 (by D@nilYcH)
Dominoes (1.2)
Doodle Jump (1.0)
Doodle Jump for Android 1.5 (1.0)
Doodle Jump for Android 2.0+ (1.0)
Dope Wars (0.72)
Dr. Droid (1.2)
Droid Breakout (1.0.4)
Droid Breakout
Droid Breakout-v1.0.5
Droid Mini Golf (2.0.2)
Droid Of The Dead (1.1)
Droidkoban (1.0)
Drop7 (1.0)
Duke Nukem GP (1.0.5)
Dungeon Quest 100 Gems
Dungeon Wonders (0.9.2)
DynamoKid Touch (2.0.4)
EA Tetris-v4.34.6
Egggz (1.2.0)
Egyptian Symbol (1.0.1)
Egyptian Symbol (1.0.3)
ExZeus Arcade (1.3)
Family Guy Uncensored (1.2)
Farm Frenzy (1.2.0)
Farm Frenzy 2.1.10
FarmFrenzy (1.4.1)
Firing Range (1.0.1)
Fishin2go (1.2.1)
Fishin2go (1.3.1)
Flick NBA (1.1.0)
Flight Director (1.0.5)
Flight Director (1.3.8)
Flight Frenzy Deluxe (1.1.3)
Flying Aces (2.0.4)
FotMob 4.5 Pro (4.5.5)
Freecell (2.0.3)
FRG Deluxe (1.2.2)
Frogger (1.01)
Fun Towers
3D Bio Ball HD (2.5)
3D Bio Ball HD v1.0
3D Bio Ball HD v2.1
3D Magic Words (3.0)
3D Magic Words v2.5
Age of Conquest- Asia v.1.0.1
Age of Conquest- North America v.1.0.3
Age of Conquest- S. America v.1.0.5
Airport Mania- First Flight v1.0.6
Airport Mania- First Flight v1.0.8
Angry Birds (AD-FREE)
Angry Birds Seasons v1.2.0 AD-FREE
Angry Birds v1.5.1 (Ad-Free)
Armored Strike Online v2.082
BATTLE BEARS Extras Add On (1.0.9)
Bejeweled 2 v0.0.6
Big Sport Fishing 3D v1.05
BitBlocks (1.86)
Blow up v1.8.4
BreakTheBlocks Full (5.0.623)
Bubble Birds Premium v1.0
Chesspresso v1.1.1
ConnecToo (1.4.5)
Cover Orange v1.1
Crosswords v1.2.0.0
Crystallight Defense v2.5.7
Dark Nova v1.5
Doodle Dash Pro (1.7)
Dungeon Defenders- First Wave v4.3
Dungeon Defenders- FW Deluxe v5.11
DynamoKid Touch (3.0.13)
Elecdrum Drum Machine & Sampler (4.3.2)
Enviro-Bear 2010 v1.02
EVAC HD v.1.8
Farm Tower Pro (1.2.6)
Farm Tower Pro (1.2.7)
Fishin' 2 Go (FULL) v2.1.1
Fix It (1.0)
Flick Flight (2.0)
Flick Kick Field Goal (1.0.6)
Flick Kick Field Goal (1.0.5)
Flight Control (3.0)
Flight Director v1.8.5
Forbidden Brakes v1.7
FPse (0.10.8) PS EMU
FPse for android (0.10.9) PS EMU
FPse For Android v0.10 (PS1 Emu)
Fruit Ninja v1.5.4
Galataxi v1.0.3
Gangstar Miami Vindication HD v3.1.6 HTC
Gangstar Miami Vindication HD v3.1.6 Samsung
Garden Of Weeden (
Garden Of Weeden v4.1.6
Garden Of Weeden v4.1.8
GeoStar v1.24 (survival mode)
Golf Battle 3D (1.1.1)
GRave Defense Gold v1.4.0
Guess The Price v1.0
Guitar Hero 6- Warriors of Rock
HexDefense v1.2
Homerun Battle 3D (1.4.2)
Humans vs Aliens v1.0.7
Humans vs. Aliens (1.1)
Hyper Jump (1.7.2)
Jelix Full v1.2.1
JellyBalls (1.4.0)
Jet Car Stunts v1.05
Karoshi (1.0.0)
Kilgamore Castle v1.2.4
Last Stand v1.0.2
Leap Sheep! v1.2.0
Maddening (1.0.0)
Majesty- Fantasy Kingdom Sim v1.5.0
Mechanics Touch v2.0.2
Meteor Blitz 1.9
Mini Army (1.4.5)
Mini Plane v4.2.3
MiniSquadron! (1.17)
MiniSquadron! (1.18)
Mr. Block v1.2
Mrs Block (1.2)
MX Moto (1.5.8)
MX Moto (1.6.2)
MX Moto v1.4.6
My Pocket Plane (1.2)
Office Rush (1.0.7)
Office Rush v1.0.5
Oubliette RPG v1.3 DATA
Oubliette RPG v1.3
PAC-MAN Championship Edition (1.0.4)
Pandas vs Ninjas - Chinese New Year v1.4
Papa Stacker v1.6.5
PES 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer v1.0.1
Piggy Drop v0.9.6.3
Pinball Ride (1.1)
Pool Break Pro (1.7.5)
Roller v1.5.0
Scooter Hero SALE 1.7
Sheep Launcher Plus! v1.1
Shift Puzzle Game v1.4
Shoko Rocket (1.13)
ShootMe v1.0
Space Physics v1.9.0
Space War HD v3.0
Speedx 3D v1.10.10
Squibble (1.0 build 633)
Squibble (1.0 build 744)
Squibble v1.0 build 618
Squibble v1.0 build 622
Star Traders RPG Elite (3.4.7)
Star Traders RPG Elite v3.2.0
Stupid Zombies v1.2
Super Drill Panic (1.1.1)
Super Dynamite Fishing Full v1.0.2
Super Dynamite Fishing Full v1.0.1
Super Tumble v1.4.5
Sword Requiem v1.0.4
Tales of Pocoro v1.0.2
Teka Teki (1.0.0)
The Impossible Game (1.5)
The Impossible Game Level Pack (1.0)
The Impossible Game v1.4
The Impossible Game v1.3
The Moron Test v2.92
They Need To Be Fed (1.0.0)
TileStorm HD v1.1.1
Touch Pool 2D v2.9.12
Tower Bloxx- NY v1.0.3
Townsmen 6 Full v1.1.0
Toyshop Adventures + Bonus v1.2.3
TurboFly 3D (1.15)
TurboFly 3D v1.12
Vertigo Towers v1.2 (3D)
Wave v1.0.3
Weed Farmer (1.008)
Wordsmith (1.1.1)
Wordsmith (
WordWise Pro v1.38
X Construction (1.03)
X Construction v1.03
Xeno Tactic II Tower Defense v1.3.0 build1
Yokiyo v2.0.4
Zuma's Revenge! v.2.0
Gang Wars - 250 Respect Points (2.7)
Gang Wars - 40 Respect Points (2.5)
Gangstar 2 - Kings of L.A. (1.2.7)
Gangstar2_HTC_G1_EN_IGP_GAND_TS_125 (by D@nilYcH)
Garden of WEEDen (2.8.1)
Gem Miner - Dig Deeper (1.0.4)
Gem Miner - Dig Deeper (1.1.3)
Go! Go! Rescue Squad (1.0.4)
Gomoku (1.0.0)
Goobers vs Boogers (1.5.3)
GoodJob!! Buddy! (1.0)
Grave Defence (1.0)
Grave Defence (1.1.0)
Guitar Hero 4
Guitar Hero 5 (1.0.0)
Guitar Hero 5 (1.2.0)
Guitar Hero Rock Stars
Guitar Hero World Tour (1.5.8)
Guitar Hero World Tour (1.6.3)
Gulp! (1.0.1)
Head To Head Racing (1.0.4)
Heli Rescue (1.2.0)
Helicopter 3D (1.0.3)
Hockey Nations 2010 (1.1)
HollyWood Hospital (1.0)
HomeRun Battle 3D (1.2.6)
House M.D (1.0)
Hyperspace (1.3.3)
HyperSpace (1.3.8)
Hypter Lite (1.0.3)
iCommando (2.0.0)
iCommando (2.6.1)
iDemolished (1.1.1)
iDracula - Undead Awakening (1.3.2)
iGameTheRich2 (1.2)
Inspector Gadget (1.0.4)
iPingPong 3D (1.0.0)
Iron Sight (1.0.1)
Iron Sight
J. Rabbit (1.0)
Jack and Jiggle Plus
Jewellust (2.0.9)
Jewellust Xmas (1.0.1)
Joyland Bounce (1.6)
Jump!Santa Jump! (1.0)
JumpyBall (1.0)
JumpyBall (1.5.1)
Katamari (1.0.2)
Kenny Roger Blackjack (1.0)
Kitten Cannon (1.0.21)
Kitten Cannon (1.0.31)
Klitschko Boxing (1.0.1)
Klondike Solitaire
Kollision (1.01)
Kreuzwortraetsel Pro XL (DE) (1.0)
Labyrinth Full (1.3)
Lego Batman (1.0.0)
Light Racer Elite (2.0.1)
Lightracer 3D (1.2g)
LightUp (1.0.5)
LightUp (1.10)
Lode Runner Full (1.0)
LOL Libs (1.7)
Lunar Lander
Maejong (1.3)
Magical Drop Touch (1.0.1)
MahJong Fairyland (1.1.12)
Mahjongg Solitaire Pro (2.2)
Maru Maru (1.0.0)
Maths Workout+ (1.60)
Mechanics Touch (1.0.14)
Mechanics Touch (1.0.15)
MetalStorm 3 (1.0.3)
Meteor Brick Breaker (1.1)
Meteor Deluxe (1.3)
MicroRace Beta (0.99)
Midnight Billard 2 (1.1.3)
Midnight Bowling 2 (3.2.1)
Midnight Bowling 2
Midnight Hold`em Poker
Midnight Pool 2
MidnightBowling2_HTC_G2Magic_EN_IGP_TMobile_TS_210 (by D@nilYcH)
MilitaryMadness (1.0)
Million Dollar Poker (1.0.9)
Million Dollar Poker
Millionaire 2010 (1.0.0)
Mini Basketball Shot (1.25)
Mini Golf 3D (2.1.0)
Mini Shot Basketball (1.3)
Modern Combat Sandstorm v1.0
MonkeyJump (1.1)
Monopoly - Here and Now
MooDroid (1.1.0)
MotoXMayhem (1.0)
mPuzzle (1.0)
MS Soccer (1.3)
Mystique - Chapter 1 Foetus (1.0.5)
Mystique - Chapter 1 Foetus
Mystique - Chapter 2 The Child (1.0.2)
Mystique Chapter 3 - Obitus (1.0.4)
Mystique Chapter 3 Obitus v1.0.4
Mytopia Spades Master Live (1.20)
Naughty Dice (1.0.9)
NaughtyDice (1.1.3)
NaughtyDice (1.2.0)
Neuro3D (1.0.6)
New York Nights 2
Night at the Museum - Battle of the Smitsonian (2.0.0)
Nineholegolf (1.0)
Ninja vs Ghosts (2.7)
Ninja VS Ghosts (3.3)
Nintai (1.0.12)
Orb Knockoff (1.4)
Oregon Trail (1.1.10)
PacMan (1.0.5)
Panzer Panic (1.0.0)
Papa Stacker (1.1.8)
PapaStacker (1.2.7)
Par 3 Golf (2.0.2)
Par 72 Golf (2.0.4)
Par 72 Golf
ParkingBreak (1.5.4)
ParkingBreak (2.2.1)
Parkour - Roof Rider
Path of a Warrior (1.0.6)
Pee (1.2)
PilotLines (1.0.1)
Pinball (1.1.8)
Plateau (1.2)
Platinum Solitaire 2 (0.0)
Platinum Sudoku
Plox - Tower Defense (1.0.6)
Pobs (1.2.1)
Pocket Puppy Full (1.0.3)
Pocoro Full (1.2.0)
Postal Babes (1.5.0)
Prince of Persia (1.0.0)
Production Meeting (1.01)
Production Meeting-v1.0.1
PUFF! (1.0.0)
Pulse Rider (1.4.3)
Pulse Rider v1.4.3
Puzzle Blox (2.0.9)
Pyramid Puzzle (1.0.0)
Radiant (2.1.1)
Radiant (2.4)
Raging Thunder (1.0.7)
Raging Thunder 2 (1.0.1)
Raging Thunder 2 (1.0.4)
Raging Thunder 2 (1.0.3)
Real Football 2009 3D
Real Football 2010 (1.0)
Retro Defense (1.1.4)
Retro Defense (1.1.2)
Retro Defense
Retro Defense-v1.24
Revival 2 (
Revolution 2217 (1.2)
RFManager09_HTC_G1_EN_IGP_GAND_EU_TS_116 (by D@nilYcH)
Robo Defense (1.2.0)
Robophobia Lite (1.0.5)
RockOut Acoustic Pro (1.1.1)
Roland Garros French Open 2009 (1.1.4)
rthunder2 v1.0.0
Saboteur (1.0.35)
Sally's Spa (1.0)
Salvo (1.0)
Sex Positions Game - Couples Edition (3.0)
Sexy Poker Top Models (1.0.8)
Sexy Poker
Sexy Truth or Dare Couples (2.5.1)
SGT Puzzles
Shoot The Ducks (1.0.0)
Shoot U! (1.1.3)
Shoot U! (1.3.0)
Shoot U! (1.2.5)
ShootingRange3D (1.0.1)
Shopper's Paradise (1.06)
Sim City Metropolis v1.0
Sky Force (1.26)
Sky Force (1.29)
SkyDroid Golf (1.0)
SkyForce (1.27)
Slime Ball Speed Way (1.2.7)
Slots (1.32)
Snow Rally Canada (1.1)
Sokodroid (1.2.5)
Solitaire Deluxe (1.33)
Southpark MegaMillionaire (1.0)
Space Invaders (1.0.0)
Space Physic - Level Pack
Space Physics (1.6.6)
Space Physics (1.7.5)
Space Physics Level Pack
Space Physics-v1.7.5
Space STG - Galactic Wars (1.2)
SpacePhysics level package (1.5.4)
Spades (1.0.4)
Spades (1.2.0)
Spades Master Live (1.20)
SpecTrek (1.3-12)
Speed Card (1.0.0)
SpeedForge 3D (1.31)
Speedx (1.0.8)
Speedx 3D (1.1.6)
Speedx 3D-v1.1.0
Spheremare (1.0.3)
Spiderman - Toxic City
Spiel der Weisen (DE) (1.0)
Spira Defense (1.1.3)
Spira Defense Pro (1.2.2)
Spore (1.0)
Spot the Differences (2.2)
Squirrel Earl (1.0)
String 'em In (0.0.2)
String 'em In English version (0.0.2)
Stroids (1.0.4)
Stuck! (1.2.1)
Sudoku (1.5.4)
Sudoku Bomb (1.0.3)
SudokuCamera Full (1.0.2)
Summer Games (1.0.3)
Super Air Hockey (1.0.21)
Super Boom Boom (1.0.0)
Super Boom Boom
Super K.O. Boxing! 2 (1.0.0)
Super Tumble (1.0)
SuperGNES v1.0.3
SuperGstunt (1.0)
Survive! Japanese Lite (0.1.3)
Surviving High School - New Rules for Android (1.0)
Tangram Master (3.1.0)
Tank Ace 1944 (1.0.5)
Tap'n'Feed (1.0.6)
Tap'n'Feed (1.1.0)
Texas Hold'em- Chat & Play
Texas Hold'em Offline (1.0.24)
Texas Hold'em Online
TextTwist Turbo (1.0)
The Game Of Life (1.0)
The Settlers (1.0.8)
The Settlers (1.1.2)
The Sims 3 (1.0)
The Sims 3 (1.0.9)
The Wars (1.1.1)
Three Kingdoms Land Master (1.0.1)
ThrottleCopter (1.0)
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09
Tightrope Hero (1.0.1)
Tiki Towers (1.0)
Toddlers Shake it (2.0.0)
ToonWarz (1.0.7)
Torect (1.0.3)
Torect Paid (1.0.3)
Toss It Full-v1.6
TossIt Pro (1.6.0)
Totemo (1.17)
Totemo (1.27)
Tower Bloxx (1.0.4)
Tower Defense (1.2)
Tower Raiders GOLD (1.17)
Towers Full (1.0.69)
Trism (1.3)
Uno (1.0.2)
Uno (3.1.2)
Vacuum (1.0)
Vegas Pool Sharks (1.0.7)
Vegas Pool Sharks (1.0.10)
Virtual Table Tennis 3D v1.8
Void Defence Pro (1.2.2)
Volcano Island (1.0)
Warehouse Manager (1.0.0)
Wave Blazer (1.0.5)
What the Doodle! (1.0.37)
What the Doodle! (1.0.41)
Who wants to be a Millionaire
Wimbledon 2009 (1.0)
Winds of Steel (1.1)
Wixel Full (1.1.6)
WordPops (1.0.4)
WordSearch (1.2.0)
WordUp! (1.2.4)
WordUp! Upgrade (1.0.2)
WordWrench Full (4.2.514)
World Series of Mahjong (1.0.1)
World War (1.1)
WSOP Texas Hold'em Legend (1.0.0)
WT09 (1.0)
XGalaxy 2 (1.24)
Yahtzee Adventures (1.16.4)
Yokiyo (1.0.5)
Zebra Paint (1.2)
Zen Table Tennis (1.0.2)
Zenonia (1.1.1)

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Que lo disfruten!!!
Wow!!!!!!.... me va a llevar todo el día para la descarga, pero excelente aporte men

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tienes que ser premium para descargar, que gran ayuda.... ponlo en mediafire amigo. gracias