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truco para saltarse los 10 minutos de espera de freakshare


Bovino adolescente
16 Ago 2009
abren el enlace de freakshare que desean descargar, y una vez cargada la pagina, nos vamos a la barra de direcciones, borramos la direccion y escribimos lo siguiente:

javascript:var time=0; var intervall=0;

le dan enter o ir y cargara de nuevo la pag ahora con el boton de descarga libre y sin los diez minutos de espera


hay que activar el java script, esto es mas facil hacerlo actualizando windows con el windows update....
Que que que???

Considering Utilizing an xrumer blast Service - See This xrumer blast is an incredible software application that can really improve your SEO rankings. One of the most crucial parts of SEO and ranking well in the search engines is getting a lot of backlinks. There are many techniques for getting backlinks, using xrumer blast or utilizing an xrumer service service is a straightforward way of getting massive backlinks. xrumer service is a program that can post in community forums and also post blog comments. It will take care of all the protection issues such as creating accounts and CAPTCHAs. It's extremely handy because of this. An xrumer blast service is where someone will operate this amazing program for you. Using an xrumer service Service truly makes getting great SEO results easy. If you wish to use xrumer blast on your own you must fork out $500 plus money for a dedicated server. This usually costs about $150 monthly. A much cheaper choice is to just use an xrumer service. Make sure you are getting good quality work when you choose to use an xrumer service. Make sure you are getting verified posts so that you can verify that your particular SEO efforts are working. Whoever does the xrumer blast service for you should validate every post that is live in a forum and deliver a report. If they will not provide you with this, then you definitely should get someone else for your xrumer service needs. Also, be sure that there aren't any broken links. If the forum doesn't not allow HTML or certain types of anchor text, then you will have many broken links. This will not help your SEO rankings, so it's a waste of time. While xrumer blast is very good, there are lots of individuals who don't make any promises concerning the quantity of posts you will receive. The ones who stand behind their xrumer service work often cost more, when you can find someone to provide an xrumer service at reasonable prices, you need to jump on it. This way you will know you are receiving the links that you pay for. Many xrumer blast providers make big promises of hundreds of thousands of posts or blog comments. This is great, but the the fact is many of these will not even get recognized. Usually the success rate for one of the blasts is just 4 percent. Then out of those a lot of them are not even live on the web. To make sure you are getting top quality work be sure you can verify the quantity of guaranteed posts from an xrumer service service. xrumer may take your site straight to the top of Google if it is used the right way. Of course there will be many more factors that help with this including on page SEO along with other back linking strategies. If however you are serious regarding getting high rankings in the SERP's, you will need to think about utilizing an xrumer service.

Wath??? jajaja que onda si alguien le entiende por favor avisen!
Naaaaaaa mejor así dejemoslo que padre así descargas sin esperar tanto.