TuneUp Media con crack

Hey que tal me encontre esto en la net


Who is "Unknown Artist"? What is "Track 01"? Find out with Clean.

There's nothing more annoying than a music library littered with "Unknown Artists", "Track 01s", or the same artist labeled multiple different ways, i.e. "Led Zepplin vs. LEDZEPLIN vs. zePPlin". Clean is the must-have tool for anyone with missing or inaccurate ID3 tags in their iTunes music collection. TuneUp will automagically fill in missing metadata like artist, song name, album, release year and genre.

Drag. Drop. Done. Son.

TuneUp docks on the side of iTunes to make organizing your music easy. To fill in or correct metadata on your MP3 files, simply drag and drop the tracks that you want to fix right from iTunes into TuneUp. Once you've dragged files into TuneUp, Clean takes an acoustic fingerprint of each song and references it against a robust database of more than 90 million indexed tracks. Because TuneUp "listens to the music" to identify it, it doesn't matter how inaccurate the original metadata is.

Just in Case.

You have the option to review matches before you save your shiny, new ID3 tags or just hit the "Save All" button. Because TuneUp writes the new metadata directly to the music file, you'll never have to clean the same track twice.

aMe fan

Bovino maduro
mm yo use ese y poes la vrdd no m gusto por ke luego los cracks no sirven y t dan kreo 500 limpiezaz y 50 karatulaz bueno amigo no es para echarle tierra a tu buen aporte pero poes es la neta


Bovino maduro
No me funcionó

Seguí todas las instrucciones, pero no me funcionó. el tuneup simplemente no abre. Algo habré hecho mal :eolo: