Tony Iommi facts.


Bovino adicto
Si eres metalero(a) sabes quién es Tony Iommi, y si no, arrepiéntanse de su pecado y lean su bio.:memeo:

Así como existen los Chuck Norris facts, que salieron por todos lados, el jefe de Ozzy no podía ser ignorado por los conocedores de la buena música, y la neta están ingeniosos:

In the mid-50s, Tony Iommi once sneezed on a woman. Nine months later, Eddie Van Halen was born, holding a Gibson Flying V in his hand.

Before asking Tony Iommi if he wanted to use his lipstick, Marilyn Manson looked like Jude Law.

Originally, BLACK SABBATH’s song “Electric Funeral” was supposed to be called “An Ordinary Sunday Afternoon in Tony Iommi’s Backyard”.

Tony Iommi once played faster than Yngwie Malmsteen just by sneezing on his guitar.


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