Reloj, Termometro, Calendario WinXP

Hola a todo el corral espero esto ayude para los que tienes el error del "zip code"

Object.LocalStorage, Object.PersistStorage
When coding it is often useful to store persistent information which can be retrieved and used as required across multiple executions of the same object or widget. To store data you need to give the data a unique reference (for that object) and set it's value. For example Object.LocalStorage("MyZip") = 48152 would place the value 48152 in a storage variable called MyZip. "MyZip"=48152 will be automatically saved and restored when the object is unloaded and reloaded.
The difference between the two types is in its persistence across object packaging and distribution. LocalStorage will NOT be saved when the object is saved as .dxpack or a widget is built. PersistStorage instead will save its value. LocalStorage is useful to store personal information, like a passwork or a ZIP code. Infact, you don’t want such information to be preserved when you export and redistribute the object to other people. However, you want these values to be preserved across multiple run of the same object/widget.
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
If Object.LocalStorage("MyZip") = "" Then
Object.LocalStorage("MyZip") = "48152"
End If
Object.SetTimer12346, 3600000
End Sub
Sub Object_OnTimer12346
End Sub
Sub Object_OnScriptExit
Object.KillTimer 12346
End Sub
Function GetWeather(zip)
End Function

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