Reicast [Emulador de DreamCast + Marvel vs Capcom 2 Por fin]


Bovino maduro
reicast is a multi-platform Dreamcast emulator.
The project is currently in Alpha, usability, performance and stability issues are to be expected. We'll fix them the following weeks! As we only have a few android devices, we'd really love to see your videos of it running!
Cortex-A9 dualcore, 1ghz+ is the minimum hardware for decent speeds
The Dreamcast BIOS is required for this emulator to work. In the internal memory of your phone, create a folder named dc, make a folder named data inside it, and put the bios files there (dc_boot.bin, dc_flash.bin). If you are using a file manager, the path for the folder is /sdcard/dc/data/. You should dump these files from your Dreamcast, Google has many tutorials on how to.
In order to save your game-play progress you will first need to format the memory cards. In order to do this you need to start the program, select the "boot bios" option, go to the "file" option, select the memory cards and then select the "delete all" option.
For donations and source, check out

Para ser beta corre bastante bien, en mi galaxy s3 sin ningun lag aun que aun hay problemas de texturas pero no graves.


BAJEN CUALQUIER BIOS PARA DREAMCAST dc_bios.bin Y LA RENOMBRAN A (dc_boot.bin) y dc_flash.bin LO DEJAN COMO ESTA. ESTOS DOS ARCHIVOS VAN EN LA CARPETA DE SDCARD/DC/DATA (ojo si no estan esas carpetas o te aparece missing files, crealas tu mismo)

marvel vs capcom 2 rom

el emulador esta de momento gratis en la play store, asi que aprovechen.


aqui unos videos

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