Mouse XXX

No hay ninguna duda al respecto-vivimos en un mundo de ratones extraño. En solo los últimos 12 meses hemos visto una serie extraña de los dispositivos señaladores, incluyendo 15 varios botón + ratones (tanto para el trabajo y juego), los ratones hemisférica, y Magic Mouse de Apple. Incluso entre los pisos tal empresa, sin embargo, el G-conceptual del ratón punto se destaca, se vuelve la cabeza, e incluso evoca la proverbial "Hey ya!" Cualquier otra cosa que esos otros, menos los ratones podría ofrecer, sólo el G-punto (diseñado por Andy Kurovets) ofrece una experiencia de calidad superior y una lección de penetración en la anatomía femenina. Gracias al Sr. Kurovets, el despistado del mundo tienen una oportunidad sin precedentes de la experiencia en algo de plástico que nunca voy a tocar en persona, al menos, tal vez con una cuenta de tarjeta Visa válida.
El famoso punto "G" es un boton configurable para lanzar el sitio o aplicación favorita, además de que puede configurarse la sensibilidad del cli....botoncito.

Bueno, si hay Jostick de falo y tazas de tetas, no le veo nada raro a este mouse. Para el morbo, exitación o gadget, Uds. deciden.

There's no doubt about it—we live in a world of strange mice. In just the last 12 months we've seen a bizarre array of pointing devices including several 15-button+ mice (both for work and play), hemispherical mice, and Apple's Magic Mouse. Even among such storied company, however, the conceptual G-Point mouse stands out, turns heads, and even conjures up the proverbial "hey now!" Whatever else these other, lesser mice might offer, only the G-Point (designed by Andy Kurovets) delivers both a superior experience and a penetrating lesson on female anatomy. Thanks to Mr. Kurovets, the clueless of the world have an unprecedented opportunity to experience in plastic something they'll never touch in person, at least perhaps not without a valid Visa account.
No, your eyes have not deceived you. This is a mouse designed to look exactly like the naughty bits of the fairer sex. Once more, a top-down view reveals the reason behind the "G-Point" moniker.
Pressing "the spot" automatically navigates the user to a preselected favorite destination or runs a certain application. Note that this is, at the moment, a conceptual product and there aren't any shipping—yet. We'd also point out that while the point "spot" is in the general vicinity of where it anatomically should be, it's also not completely aligned with the lesser understood "come hither" gesture required for the real thing.
We at Hot Hardware would also like to note—without commenting on the intelligence of actually buying one of these—that the conceptual implementation leaves considerable room for future fine-tuning. In keeping with that observation, we suggest that the G-Point 2.0 should reconfigure the location and sensitivity of its "secret" button each time a different user manipulates the mouse. As for the button's preferential navigation feature; we suggest that while gliding one's finger along the sacred highway should, in most cases, produce the desired effect, the mouse should occasionally use the opportunity to steal the TV remote, immediately put the computer to sleep, or play an alarm klaxon at maximum volume, preferably with strobe lights.


Bovino de alcurnia
ps la verdad si esta bastante chido, aunqe hubieras puesto el texto en ingles pq la traduccion ta toda mal, se agradece la info bro.


Bovino Milenario
jajaja esta bastante bueno el mouuse, yo configuraria el punto G para que me mande directo al NAPB de ba-k :baba:


Bovino adicto
jajaja ta weno
LA neta sta chido el diseño por k nomas los de "gran" imaginacion le ven la forma pero al menos el color esta bien ^^


Bovino maduro
no manchen, no saben ni ke inventar, bueno pero igual y les sirva de mapita para akellos ke no lo encuentran, jjajajaa