Mi primer aporte pa los que les gusta la pizza

Hoy amaneci de buenas estoy tratando de compartir esto con ustedes amigos:eolo:
ake the finest producers of every pizza product made – I’ve been to their inner sanctum where they’ve spilled their secrets ... the cheesemakers, flour millers, sauce canners – well, you get the picture – and I kept my eyes open. I know secrets that even the best in the pizza industry don’t know. And it’s time to tell. It’s not about finding one more pizza recipe in a magazine or on the Internet. (Have you ever noticed they all look alike?) The problem is: They just don’t work. Know what I mean? You end up with yet one more homemade pizza that is just okay – maybe even good – but not what you were looking for. Disappointment once again. You’ve probably figured it out - it’s not the recipe. It’s in the ingredients and techniques! Miss that and you miss everything. I’ll show you all you need to know and where to get everything you need to make the best pizza right at home. When I say show, I do mean show too! In addition to my 31-page step by step pizza book – “Secrets from Inside the Pizzeria” – you’ll get a 57 minute DVD video demonstration of everything in the book.




Bovino maduro
mmm para subir imagenes aqui no puedes hacerlo desde tu computadora, necesitas subirlas a un host, suerte a la proxima y si puedes corrige tu post:vientos: gracias de todas formas
esta chido el aporte, ES UN ARCHIVO PDF Y UN VIDEO EN INGLES, pero con un poco de nociones de ingles te puedes dar una idea de lo que dicen y si dicen en realidad varios secretos para tener exito en la preparacion de una pizza. se gradece
No tiene mucho chiste jeje, solo bajen los 3 link, a lo mejor el post no esta muy bien estructurado pero si a alguiel le interesa la pizza es interesante