loudtalks 1.0 beta para android


Bovino adicto
el dio de hoy salio el beta de loudtalks
y la vercion para el publica sale el dia 26/7

y aki les dejo el en lace y lo que me mandaron por correo

Hi eduardo dlz

Thanks for signing up for Android beta of Loudtalks Lite app. Today we are releasing the application to a limited group of beta testers. Here is the link to download the setup file for your device:


Direct apk installation may not supported on some Android devices. If you can't install this beta or not sure how to load .apk file on your phone you may need to wait until public beta release scheduled for July 26, 2011, when the app will be published to Android Market.

Feel free to distribute within your immediate contacts but please do not post the link in public places such as Facebook, Twitter or your website. This release might be unstable and only intended for registered beta testers.

We are looking for any feedback you might have after trying this application. Or if you prefer specific questions here is the list:

1. Were you able to install the app on your phone?
2. Were you able to connect and create an account?
3. Were you able to test with "echo" contact?
4. Were you able to add a frend and communicate with him/her?
5. Were you able to find and add some channels and communicate on them? Try 'Android Lobby' channel for example.
6. What issues did you notice?
7. What killer features are missing?

Thank you!

Alexey Gavrilov / Product manager