Jailbreak device A5 (iPad 2 & iPhone 4s) Links working

Estuve viendo varios links aca en Ba-k pero no jalaban, busque en google y lo encontre Cydiahelp, asi que aca esta este link donde pueden descargar el greenpoisOn para hacer Jailbreak a sus juguetitos con sistemas A5

I saw differents links here in Ba-k but that is not working. I looking in Google and find in Cydiahelp this link and works, you can downloud GreenpoisOn, make the jailbreak at yours toys and Enjoy.


Disfruten / Enjoy
tienes a guia para hacerlos a la ipas 2??
Sigue las otras guias que aparecen, ya hay bastantes. Solo que no podia descargar de esos links, asi que comparti el link que me funciono a mi. Ademas en ese mismo link aparece una guia pero en ingles.

Followed the others guide's, here in Ba-k have many. I can't downlouded from that links and I only share the link's is work for me. In that link have instructions how make the magical jailbreak but is in English