jailbreak 4.0.1 listo!!!!!!!!!!! Mas facil q nunca


Bovino adolescente

[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Developer[/COLOR][/COLOR]

Comex has just released the highly anticipated jailbreak for [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]iPhone[/COLOR][/COLOR] 4, allowing users of Apple’s latest iPhone, as well as iPad and iPod touch users running iOS 4 to jailbreak their device. The jailbreak is available now through a new website called JailbreakMe.com, specially set up for the new browser based jailbreak process. A full list of supported devices is posted below.

In order to jailbreak your iPhone 4, or iDevice of choice running iOS 4, you can navigate using the device’s browser to the following URL http://jailbreakme.com/
@comex notes, “If it hangs at a purple screen, it’s because the [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]server[/COLOR][/COLOR] fails”.
The servers will definitely be quite congested for a while, but you can try http://jailbreakme.modmyi.com/_/ as an alternative if you can’t wait for the excitement to die down.
Known issues so far: (1) fail on iPad 3.2.1 (2) losing MMS (but not for everyone)
Any problems, bugs, or complaints about the new jailbreak can be directed to its creators via comexk@gmail.com.
Supported devices are as follows:
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]iPod [COLOR=blue !important]1G[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] on 3.1.2
iPod 1G on 3.1.3
iPod 2G on 3.1.2
iPod 2G on 3.1.3
iPod 2G on 4.0
iPod 3G on 3.1.2
iPod 3G on 3.1.3
iPod 3G on 4.0
iPad on 3.2
iPad on 3.2.1
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]iPhone [COLOR=blue !important]3G[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] on 3.1.2
iPhone 3G on 3.1.3
iPhone 3G on 4.0
iPhone 3G on 4.0.1
iPhone 3G on 3.1.2
iPhone 3G on 3.1.3
iPhone 3G on 4.0
iPhone 3G on 4.0.1
iPhone 4 on 4.0
iPhone 4 on 4.0.1