Ayuda sobre resolucion de camras fotograficas


Bovino adolescente
Hola ke tal amigos bakunos kisiera saber si me pueden decir a cuantos megapixeles ekivale la resolucion de 1980x768, esto es debido a ke kiero comprar un celular y dice ke ekivale a 2 MPX pero kisiera saber cual es la resoluicon correcta :D agradeceria mucho su ayuda ;)


Bovino de la familia
Tomado de la Wikipedia, por cierto, una búsqueda antes de crear un tema no hace daño, aquí no es Yahoo Respuestas:


A megapixel (MP or Mpx) is one million pixels, and is a term used not only for the number of pixels in an image, but also to express the number of image sensor elements of digital cameras or the number of display elements of digital displays. For example, a camera with an array of 2048×1536 sensor elements is commonly said to have "3.1 megapixels" (2048 × 1536 = 3,145,728). The megapixel count is often used as a figure of merit, though there are other figures that determine camera quality.
Digital cameras use photosensitive electronics, either charge-coupled device (CCD) or complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors, consisting of a large number of single sensor elements, each of which records a measured intensity level. In most digital cameras, the sensor array is covered with a patterned color filter mosaic having red, green, and blue regions in the Bayer filter arrangement, so that each sensor element can record the intensity of a single primary color of light. The camera interpolates the color information of neighboring sensor elements, through a process called demosaicing, to create the final image. These sensor elements are often called "pixels", even though they only record 1 channel (only red, or green, or blue) of the final color image. Thus, two of the three color channels for each sensor must be interpolated and a so-called N-megapixel camera that produces an N-megapixel image provides only one-third of the information that an image of the same size could get from a scanner. Thus, certain color contrasts may look fuzzier than others, depending on the allocation of the primary colors (green has twice as many elements as red or blue in the Bayer arrangement).