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hipstamatic v 251 con todos los packs


27 Feb 2010
bueno amigos bakunos este es mi primer post espero les sirva de algo ya que hay packs que ya no se consiguen incluye todos los packs ojo es un copy paste pero queria compartirlo con uds inclusive esta en ingles disculpen por eso el autor es "CBR900RR" el es el que se se merece las gracias.
UPDATED ON 4-13-12 with v251

Uninstall all previous hipstamatic apps

Download, unzip and install hipstamatic 251 ipa and addon HERE. http://www.sendspace.com/file/qkovh8

I use iphonebrowser 1.93 to browse to the directory.

Replace the folder Application Support over here /var/mobile/Applications/hipstamatic/Library/

Replace com.syntheticcorp.hipstamatic.plist over here /var/mobile/Applications/hipstamatic/Library/Preferences

Respring and you should get ten HipstaPak, three GoodPak, six FreePak and two SnapPak

01 Willamsburg Starter Hipstapak
02 The Portland Hipstapak
03 Shibuya Hipstapak
04 Camden Hipstapak
05 Mission Hipstapak
06 Soho Hipstapak
07 Bondi HipstaPak
08 Wicker Park HipstaPak
09 Nashville Hipstapak
10 America HipstaPak

01 Dali Museum Goodpak
02 Levi's Photo Workshop Holiday Goodpak
03 We Heart Boobies GoodPak

01 Mac & Milk Fashion FreePak
02 SXSW FreePak
03 NSW Always On NikeJune FreePak
04 NSW Always On NikeJuly FreePak
05 Cowboys & Aliens FreePak
06 Made in America FreePak

01 Foodie SnapPak
02 Groupie SnapPak

What's New in Version 251

■ Improved HipstaProcessing performance
- Fixes a bug that could cause a crash when deleting a print
- Fixes a bug where when sharing multiple images at once would fail without showing an alert message
- Fixes bugs relating to adding images to an existing stack
- Fixes a bug that could cause a crash when sharing an image while your iPhone is set to Italian
- Fixes bugs causing issues ordering prints
■ Other miscellaneous bug fixes

…plus all the goodies from the 250:

■ Share to Instagram! Exclusive to Hipstamatic, easily share your HipstaPrints directly to Instagram
■ Brand-new HipstaShare system
- Easily swipe and zoom through all your HipstaPrints
- Share to multiple photo networks at once
- Tag your friends in Facebook
- View history of where your photo was taken and where it was shared to
■ Hipstamatic is now localized in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Indonesian, Russian, Dutch, Malay, and Swedish

After the 251 addon, you should have
22 lens
21 flims
10 flashes
12 cases

01 John S
02 Jimmy
03 Kaimal Mark II
04 Buckhorst H1
05 Helga Viking
06 Lucifer VI
07 Roboto Glitter
08 Bettie XL
09 Libatique 73
10 Matty ALN
11 Chunky
12 Hornbecker
13 Tejas
14 Americana
15 Ben Watts
16 Susie
17 Salvador 84
18 Loftus
19 Melodie
20 James M
21 Lucas AB2
22 Adler 9009

01 Blanko
02 Ina's 1969
03 Ina 1935
04 Kodot XGrizzled
05 Blackeys B+W
06 Blackeys SuperGrain
07 Clanuch 72 Monochrome
08 Alfred Infrared
09 Pistil
10 Float
12 AO BW
13 Big Up
14 DreamCanvas
15 DC Film
16 Rock BW-11
17 Cano Cafenol
18 Blanko Noir
19 Blanko Freedom13
20 US1776
21 Dylan

01 Standard
02 Dreampop
03 Cherry Shine
04 Cadet Blue Gel
05 RedEye Gel
06 Laser Lemon Gel
07 Berry Pop
08 Tasty Pop
09 Jolly Rainbo 2X
10 Pop Rox

01 Classic Black
02 Eggshell White
03 Steambox
04 Fashionista
05 NSW Always On
06 Cowgirl
07 Old Glory
08 Le Rose
09 Dali Dreamscape
10 Festive Plaid
11 Mr. Bling
12 Damen

como ven no le falta nada asi para todos los que amamos la fotografia a esta app esta completisima.

Bueno como ya saben ya esta la version 260 y nuevos packs asi que aqui les dejo el link de nuevo con todos los packs y recuerden que es el mismo proceso, esta ves no incluye la app tendran que descargarla por su cuenta en installous que es lo mas fácil, saludos

Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vk3jjf
se ve interesante y mas si ya tiene todos los packs, checando e instalando, si esta completa edito mensaje
Hey muchas gracias la aplicacion va de lujo, ahora aprendiendo a buscar las mejores combinaciones.
Gracias ya estoy buscando los de la version 252 espero subirlos pronto!!
compa te la recontra mamaste con esta aplicacion!!! funciona al 100%%!!!!!