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Epsilon Proyect, V5 Final Motorola Atrix - Grabacion a 1080 HD y mas MODS


Bovino maduro
22 Mar 2010
antes que nada esta rom es del creador EVOGP todos los creditos son hacia el por realizar esta exelente rom basada en la rom stock cn android 2.3.6 pero mejorada al 1000% se agradece en verdad yo la tengo en mi motorola atrix nacional telcel y la verdad vale mucho la pena cambiarla por la rom stock de telcel :vientos::vientos:

:vientos: [url]http://miralaonline.net/images/PFLU3.png[/url] :vientos:



Base Ginger 2.3.6
PNG Optimized
Zipaligned (system and data apps)
ICS Sounds
New PlayStore (Market)
Youtube Updated
Gmail Updated
1080p Camera Mod Razr
ICS animations more fluid
Hosts Adblocking
Touchscreen MOD (4 fingers)
Google Talk over 3G
Proximity sensor hack
GPU hack
WiFi battery saving hack
Saves power when phone is sleep
Allows the phone to sleep better
Helps Scrolling Responsiveness
Increase overall touch responsiveness
Increases quality of photo and videos
Raises quality of JPEG images
Better camera and video taking results
Forces your home launcher into memory
Change the Dalvik VM heap size 128Mb
Disable usb debugging popup
Render UI with GPU
Optimized internet connection
Less delay in calls
Levels of Volume 15
Best download market
Operator removed the extras
Best ram memory management
Enhanced system optimization
Modified Launcher
Improved performance on 3D games and graphics
Enhanced Screen Sensor Delay off
Bravia Engine Mod
Smoother Experience
Enhanced GPS for LatinAmerica
Removed the delay in calls
Improved memory management
Best video streaming
Added Fast Energy Panel (Thks Santiemanuel)
Battery Fix
Add Nitro Lag Nullifier
Add Universal Raindrop Fix (Thks Notorious544d)
Improved Transparency in blocking
HDMI Landscape Mirroring (Thks starrwarrior)
MicroSD Card Speed 2048KB/s
Auto-Mod Zipalign (Thks Darky)
Perfect Mod mount options
Enable logger
Ramscript Juwe11's Mod (Thks Juwe11's)
Settings Mod (the extra functionality of the at&t and 4g are disabled because this rom is not an att base)
Market Connection Speed Fix
AppWidgetPicker (does not work with the launcher blur) (Thks boombuler)
ICS dalvikvm binary
Speedy Tweak v7 MOD (Kernel Tweaks, Memory Management, and more) (Thks 0vermind)
Added more languages in the default keyboard
Fugu Tweaks ICS port Atrix
Browser HomePage Google International
Added Compatibily Motorola Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard
Wifi channels 12, 13, 14 enabled
and more....

Update Google Play 3.5.15
New Wirelees Speed Increases
New Optimization 3D
Optimization AGPS
Added 'BOOST.sh' script for a small boost when things feel laggy (It will 'defrag' databases, so make them smaller (faster to read, so apps will open faster) as well as freeing the caches. Do NOT run this script at boot!!!!! It is to be used if your phone starts to feel a big sluggish or laggy, then just run the script with SU and that's it.) (Thks Notorious544d)
Remove Aroma Installer
Add Tweak 5 Columns in App Drawer BlurLauncher (Optional)
Add Miui File Manager (Optional)
Fix 1080p Camera Mod
Beats Audio&Xloud (Thks RockoDev)
Extra-Webtop 2.3.6
Faux123 Kernel 1Ghz Stock

Fix Beats Audio&XLoud
Google Play 3.5.16 Mod (Unlimited access to apps in Google Play Store, Removed countries restriction in Google Play Store, Fixed the issue which your device is not compatible with this item in Google Play Store)
Fix Error AutoReboot
Fix 3rdPartyApps
Support themes

New Wallpapers
New Sounds
Sounds more system functions
Fix BeatsAudion and XLoud
GPS Optimice
Updated hosts Ad-Blocking
Miui Pack Optional (Miui FileManager, Miui MusicPlayer, Miui Camera, Miui Weather)
Update Apps 3rdParty
Kernel Stock Tegrapart D00 (After installing the rom please install the kernel for your tegrapart)
Added BatteryBar 3rdParty
Optimize all apk`s
Dalvik Cache 160MB
Fix Image Quality
Fix Image Resolution
Added UpdateMe (Thks acquariusoft) (Now you can update the rom and install all add-ons downloaded from the same Epsilon Project)

V5 - Final
Fix Bugs
Aroma Installer
More Apps 3rdParty
Remove BeatsAudio (Zip Optional)
Remove FlashPlayer (Download Google Play)
ICS Animations Fix
Re Edited Build
Best Answer less Lag
Update all Apps
And More...More...More...More


ada persona tiene sus usos y gustos diferentes a los demas, es por esto que Epsilon Project ahora te da la posibilidad de seleccionar los extras que creas necesarios para tu uso y complemento de la rom.

Fonts System ICS (optional)
3rdParty (Screen Grabber, CM7 Torch, AirDroid, Wallpaper Set and Save, Spare Parts, ZumoCast, QuickBoot, Bluetooth file transfer, RingExtended, etc)
Mod Battery Mod 1% (optional)
Wake On Volume (optional)
Inverted Settings and DataManager (optional)
Resolution changer for HDMI Landscape Mirroring (Thks Djemam) (optional)
BootAnimation Epsilon (Thks Nahu) (optional)
BootAnimation Galaxy Nexus (optional)
BootAnimation Android 3D (optional)
BootAnimation Atrix2 (optional)
BootAnimation Atrix (optional)
BootLogo Epsilon (Thks Nahu) (optional)
Voice Commands (optional)
DLNA (optional)
Swype (optional)
New Music Player Blur(optional)
Miui Music Player (optional)
Droid 3 Camera (optional)
Stock Camera (optional)
Miui Camera (optional)
ICS Camera (optional)
CarDock (optional)
LiveWallpapers (optional)
Command Voice (optional)
Voice Search (optional)
MiuiPack (optional)
And More...


Rom: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35653350/Aroma-Epsilon5-Final.zip

Instrucciones de Instalación:



espero les guste la rom en lo personal ami me encanto ya que esta optimisada para los graficos y juegos 3d para un mejor rendimiendto asi como que tambien trae bravia engine activado y demas cosas que la hacen una super rom para sacarle el maximo provecho a nuestro atrix :vientos::vientos::vientos::vientos:​
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