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Colección imágenes antiSOPA

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Bovino adicto
5 Jul 2008
Elijan su favorita y demuestren su rechazo a SOPA! :guacara::guacara::guacara:

(Image Source: sakimichan)

SOPA: The Internet Blacklist Bill. First one of the list is the infographic from Stop American Censorship website to help you understand more about the SOPA, and how it will severe the American’s freedom of speech and potentially industry. If you’re an American, join the strike! (Image Source: Stop American Censorship)

SOPA Infographic. Another infographic that focuses more about how SOPA will influence the business and innovation, and ultimately what we can do to stop the SOPA. Be noted that the SOPA supporters could change from time to time though. (Image Source: Business Insurance)

Anti-Protect IP Act. Though the DNS blocking feature of SOPA has been proposed to be discussed, we must remember the similar version of SOPA, the PIPA! Again you can join the strike to bring it down! (Image Source: Neoridgeback)

I Can’t Hear You. So Rep. Lamar Smith is the author of the SOPA, according to the Wikipedia. (Image Source: ChadRocco)

Fight SOPA. Awesome modified version of The Social Network’s movie poster, and the message is the truth! (Image Source: lapdog)

Image Violated SOPA. If SOPA is passed, this is what we will see often in our future. (Image Source: kisa4ever13)

We Hope You Have Enjoyed. Now it’s your time to fight for your freedom of speech, which should have no trial period at all. (Image Source: My[confined]Space)

Access Denied. We certainly don’t want our websites to face this destiny. (Image Source: hogosha-1)

Censorship is no fun. SOPA could be harmful for web business too, imagine what those who hate you and your business will do. (Image Source: BananahMan)

Website Has Been Blocked. “If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to jump off a bridge.” (Image Source: Get Your Censor On)

Feel The Burn. Though it’s funny, it could become the truth if SOPA is passed! Feel the burn! (Image Source: Get Your Censor On)

Google 2012. This is what you get from Google search result if you allow the SOPA to be passed. What could be worse than this? (Image Source: meh.ro)

STOP SOPA Bill. A great number of artists have risen up to fight against the SOPA in the artwork form or text form, as the SOPA could mean the end of the creative industry. (Image Source: sakimichan)

Konachan Says Stop SOPA. Stop SOPA! That’s what every artist should think and do. (Image Source: Marcvilzal123)

Freedom of Speech. SOPA is not the answer for piracy and freedom of speech. (Image Source: 4th-reset)

Life After SOPA. YouTube, deviantArt, 9GAG, all the user-submitted content sites will be in risk if the SOPA is allowed to censor the Internet. (Image Source: ToaJacbobofPsychic)

Stop Before It’s Too Late. With the SOPA, all fan arts will be impossible. (Image Source: Antooncartoon)

Corporotopia 01. A dark comic about how industry players will threaten you if SOPA is passed. You could never trust those who tried to take away your freedom of speech. Follow the full comic after the link jump. (Image Source: alexiuss)

Unprotected IP. How we gonna talk freely if SOPA exists? A simple message could get you sued if big players are willing to, and the comic below shows you the situation, full comic after link jump. (Image Source: 8Biticon)

Stop SOPA Cartoon. All of us will be in jail if the Internet gets censored. No freedom for your speech and works. (Image Source:Tobibrocki)

Freedom Reddit. Brave Reddit has been involving greatly in the Anti-SOPA movement, and this is what every famous site should do.(Image Source: Reddit)

Destructoid Censored. A picture of Destructoid showing that it stands against the SOPA, amusing and bravo! (Image Source: Destructoid)

Fight Fo’ Your Rights. The best way to stop SOPA and PIPA is to join the fight! And this comic will show you how. Full comic after link jump.(Image Source: Loonafictation)

Thunder and the Pack go to Washington. “I decided to show some support for the opposition by creating this little comic in which my hunter, Tunderbrew, takes the pack to Congress to testify against S.O.P.A. Long live Internet Freedom!” (Image Source: wc3troll)

This is SOPA! Except the fact that the Entertainment Industry won’t be as great as the Leonidas, especially with their attempt to block the DNS just because of the possible copyright infringement that might not exist at all. (Image Source: quickmeme)

Shouldn’t Censor. I thought US is the nation of freedom, I could be wrong. (Image Source: quickmeme)

The Worst That Can Happen. A short yet amusing comic that talks about the worst thing that can happen if SOPA is passed… get ready to know. (Image Source: Imgur)

Censorshit. With all due respect, no one likes censorshit. (Image Source: Ars Technica)

Esta es la mia, hay que acabarla, empezo la Guerra Cibernetica, por aqui en un post que publique "Seis profecias para el año 2012", aparecia esto lo de Guerra Cibernetica Nuclear, y ha empezado.
yo me pregunto que pasara si aprueban sopa, para que servira el internet para nada

Creo que esta imagen es la mas clara con respecto al sentir contra la mentada ley.
hoy megaupload, mañana sopa, despues que sigue..... ba.k NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
De lujo, donde sea se habla de esa inche ley, lo bueno que esta es publicidad en su contra