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Acid Fest - ATribute to Trent Acid 2010 DVDRip


Bovino de alcurnia
16 Jun 2009

This special 2-disc release is shot in 16x9 widescreen format and features a two camera shoot along with commentary by Jake Black and Dan Cowhey. Also includes special bonus footage of Mike Verdi vs. Robbie Mireno backyard wrestling in 1994 and also a collection of Trent Acid pranks and gags on the road during over seas tours with other superstars.

1. Trent Acid Memorial Rumble (Featuring superstars like Balls Mahoney,
Big Vito, The Messiah, Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz, Helter Skeltor with
Missy Hyatt, Adam Flash, The Rockin' Rebel, Greg Matthews,
Bison Bravado, Matt Walsh, Kwame, Ron Starr, Earl Cooter, Nate Stein,
Eddie Valentine, John Dahmer, LilÆ Greatness, Slayer, Deranged,
Billy Angus, Danny Angus, Kid America, Flash Wheeler, Aramis,
Cory Kastle, Darren Wyse and more!)

2. Nick Berk & Z-Barr vs. Don Montoya & Robby Mireno /w Reckless Youth

3. Acid's Angels of Missy Sampson, Annie Social, and Amy Lee (with Dr. Don Bootz & Lexx) vs Alere Little Feather, Roxie Cotton, and Detox (with Doc Daniels)

4. The S.A.T. (Jose & Joel Maximo) vs. The Carnage Crew (H.C. Loc & Tony Devito) vs. The H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) vs. Da Hit Squad (Steve "Monsta" Mack & Dan Maf.

5. The Danger Zone with Lou E. Dangerously and guest Tod Gordon.

6. Homicide & B-Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt & Ruckus

7. Johnny Kashmere (with Matt Walsh & Donnie B) vs.Devon Moore (with Annie Social)

8. 10 bell salute to Trent Acid





Genial! No hay duda que en la lucha libre independiente hay mucho talento.
Gracias por el dvd !